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4 posters

    Engine Numbers? What size engine?


    Number of posts : 27
    Location : Kansas
    Registration date : 2014-05-04

    Engine Numbers? What size engine? Empty Engine Numbers? What size engine?

    Post by LittleDoheny Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:38 pm

    Thanks again guys, I was told to look near the distributor for numbers, still trying to figure out what exact size engine I have.
    I found 4 numbers> 5060.

    Does this sound right? Anyone know what size engine this is, or where to check it?

    I know its a 6 cylinder BTW.


    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Engine Numbers? What size engine? Empty Re: Engine Numbers? What size engine?

    Post by donivan65 Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:27 pm

    ,,,,,when are you going to answer our questions?

    Number of posts : 27
    Location : Kansas
    Registration date : 2014-05-04

    Engine Numbers? What size engine? Empty Re: Engine Numbers? What size engine?

    Post by LittleDoheny Sat Aug 02, 2014 8:50 pm

    What questions?

    Where I live? Is a question I have been asked? Sorry if I don't think that is needed.

    Other than that, MY question is above, I don't understand, if I post a question as simple as "Where to find the information so I can find out what size engine I have, just so I can buy some spark plugs, and distributor cap, that's a pretty simple question, or what is this number I found on my engine 5060?

    I mentioned previously I wasn't a mechanic, I also am still waiting AND posting another question as to "What gear ratio should I buy". Also... has anyone replaced their pinion gears etc?

    Still looking.


    Number of posts : 801
    Location : kcmo
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2009-10-04

    Engine Numbers? What size engine? Empty Re: Engine Numbers? What size engine?

    Post by panelmanrd Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:20 pm

    You have either a 194, 230, or a 250. All of which take the same plugs and tune up parts,
    so I would tell the guy at the counter that you have a 230 so he can find the parts you want
    to buy. All gaskets are the same for these three engines, so the 230 should get you what you want.
    As far as the rear gears, first and most important you need to identify which rear you have in your van
    as they used two different ones and parts will not interchange between them, you do not need to be a mechanic or an expert to get the info you are looking for, but we need help from you describing what you have so we can help direct you the direction you want to go. As far as the numbers you have found on the engine, not coming up with anything on it.
    as far as replacing the ring and pinion gears well that job is best left to a pro, it can be done, but takes
    specialty tools and knowledge outside the realm of the basic mechanical skills, and if done incorrectly
    It will destroy the new gears.

    Number of posts : 27
    Location : Kansas
    Registration date : 2014-05-04

    Engine Numbers? What size engine? Empty Re: Engine Numbers? What size engine?

    Post by LittleDoheny Sun Aug 03, 2014 8:48 pm

    Thanks, for all this info.....I have a 12 bolt, but thats all I know. I suppose I could have the mechanic take it off and examine it and see what I have exactly, and then order the lowest gear I would like to have for low RPM's.

    Are you saying to be careful about replacing the gears regarding a mechanic, or doing it yourself?

    Is It a "specialty job" for a mechanic?

    I ask because I live in a small town, but they do a lot of truck work etc.


    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Engine Numbers? What size engine? Empty Re: Engine Numbers? What size engine?

    Post by Digz Sun Aug 03, 2014 9:24 pm

    Doing it yourself can be tough(near impossible) without the right tools. A mechanic with the tools and know how should be able to help you out. But I don't think I'd let some one who says "sure we can figure this out" do it.
    There are often shops that specialize in it and make quick work of it. Taking the rear axle assembly all the way out is the best approach though. And like Kooky said if you can score a 10 bolt rear it would open you up to a better "family" of gear ratios. A 10 bolt 3:36 was the factory norm for a lot of 6 cylinder applications. Sometimes if you can find out the history of the van it gives you a better idea why they ordered it with the 12 bolts, like fire departments or local government type stuff. There are some casting or stamped numbers on the rear that will tell you what "series" the carrier is and that should guide you on what can be installed for gear sets. I think my 1st gen 12 bolt is a series 4 but not 100% sure anymore lol

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    Engine Numbers? What size engine? Empty Re: Engine Numbers? What size engine?

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