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3 posters

    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

    Matt Hagan
    Matt Hagan

    Number of posts : 48
    Location : East Peoria, IL
    Registration date : 2008-05-28

    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch Empty Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

    Post by Matt Hagan Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:58 am

    Has anyone found a source to replace the heater pull switch / fan acuator / speed switch?

    Or: Has anyone rebuilt one? Rolling Eyes
    Matt Hagan
    Matt Hagan

    Number of posts : 48
    Location : East Peoria, IL
    Registration date : 2008-05-28

    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch Empty Re: Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

    Post by Matt Hagan Tue May 07, 2013 7:04 pm

    I have replaced my switch with one from a 1965-1966 C10 Pickup. Not the same, but it worked. I got the part from ebay.

    Number of posts : 2214
    Location : Old Hickory Tenn.
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2008-11-17

    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch Empty Re: Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

    Post by Nightmoves Wed May 08, 2013 12:59 am

    Thanks for the info on replacement,Matt.

    Number of posts : 2632
    Location : Where Rust Never Sleeps in Ft Wayne IN
    Registration date : 2008-05-15

    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch Empty Re: Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

    Post by savage Wed May 08, 2013 4:38 am

    Matt, Does that have the cable, or did you just change the switch. Thank's
    Matt Hagan
    Matt Hagan

    Number of posts : 48
    Location : East Peoria, IL
    Registration date : 2008-05-28

    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch Empty Re: Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

    Post by Matt Hagan Wed May 08, 2013 7:10 am

    The switch has a cable, but its a bit shorter. I just routed a little differently. The plug ins are the same, but the guts of the switch is a little larger. There is enough room and installs the same. It fits just fine and works well.
    I have defrosters now.

    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch Empty Re: Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:47 am

    Are you still needing this part? I had an extra model 98 heater that I took apart for the heater valve and pulled the switch/cable. This is the one with the metal holder for the knobs. I pulled it complete with the metal rod/cable, chrome knob "< FAN," plastic ring "PULL FOR HTR-DEF" chrome metal retainer, switch, which I don't know if it works, but it looks clean. I have pulled my heater out to replace the valve, so couldn't test it. PM me if still interested. I tried to host a pic, but the serving isn't coming up for me.

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    Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch Empty Re: Heater pull switch/ Fan blower speed switch

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