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6 posters

    Please use specific Topics!


    Number of posts : 425
    Location : Your Nation's Capital
    Registration date : 2009-07-19

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Please use specific Topics!

    Post by ChevyVanMan1 Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:24 am

    I know the topic line is short so it is important to be specific IF you want some sort of response. I write this as subject lines have gotten sloppy.

    For example:

    Please help my thing fell off...

    doesn't do as much good as:

    Help: My my gas tank strap fell off. What to do?

    Or, in the Event section how bout:

    Get your ride on in Reno on Labor Day!

    Instead of: We are having a van meet.

    At least say where and when so we don't have to open everything in hope of finding out: Who, what, when, where and how.

    Thanks for letting me on my soapbox!

    Number of posts : 6186
    Location : spokane ,Wa.
    Registration date : 2009-09-28

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by Twinpilot001 Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:57 am

    I love it!! Reminde me sometimes -Yabba Dabba DO!! cheers

    Number of posts : 425
    Location : Your Nation's Capital
    Registration date : 2009-07-19

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by ChevyVanMan1 Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:19 am

    At least "Yabba Dabba Do!" is a complete sentence ;-)
    Moderator 1st Class
    Moderator 1st Class

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    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by dix Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:37 pm


    still vannin since 1974

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by RodStRace Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:17 pm

    It helps get responses AND helps when searching for that thread you remember from 2 months ago!

    Please use specific Topics! Tumblr_lxtljn5krZ1r968ybo1_500

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by vanny Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:36 pm

    OK Rod, I just have to say Thanks for all the cool photos you manage to find to get your message across. Not only do you seem to be the Shell answer man in a lot of these topics in which you attach very detailed illustrations, you also have this knack for finding some of the funniest pics as well. Your mind is kind of twisted and that's what I love about you man! Keep it up. affraid

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."
    Space Truckin
    Space Truckin

    Number of posts : 1279
    Location : Upland,Ca
    Age : 69
    Registration date : 2009-10-17

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by Space Truckin Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:07 pm

    vanny wrote:OK Rod, I just have to say Thanks for all the cool photos you manage to find to get your message across. Not only do you seem to be the Shell answer man in a lot of these topics in which you attach very detailed illustrations, you also have this knack for finding some of the funniest pics as well. Your mind is kind of twisted and that's what I love about you man! Keep it up. affraid

    I second that, I always look forward to your posts Exclamation

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by RodStRace Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:18 pm

    Awwww! Embarassed

    Please use specific Topics! Tumblr_m4v9p9aZQT1r3zat8

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:22 pm

    Naw dude,'s never maddered how lackluster my questions have been,you chime in and set shit strait.

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Please use specific Topics! Empty Re: Please use specific Topics!

    Post by RodStRace Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:12 pm

    Aww, now you're just bumpin' for another picture! Laughing

    Please use specific Topics! 3rvaeu

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