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    Not TV but radio, Car talk follow up to 66 econo van road trip adventure


    Number of posts : 41
    Registration date : 2008-05-27

    Not TV but radio, Car talk follow up to 66 econo van road trip adventure Empty Not TV but radio, Car talk follow up to 66 econo van road trip adventure

    Post by kermit Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:20 am

    On the radio show Car Talk, they had a previous call from a guy named Steve who "won" an auction on ebay for a 66 econoline van. His plan was to drive it (I think from California) to Virginia, a pretty long distance, stopping along the way to do some fishing. It was going to be a road trip bachelor party, since he was going to get married when he got back. They told him that he could go fishing while the engine was rebuilt. They said to either have it hauled home, or have a tow truck follow him, that he'd never make it, but that it would be an adventure. It was the same advice (without the adventure part) I got from some local people when I bought my van.

    This week in the "stump the chumps" segment, they find out what happened to him, his buddy, and the road trip.

    The show is free streaming this week on, and you can skip forward to the "stump the chumps" section. They also have a link to npr, for a free mp3 podcast of the show. That segment is in the last half of the show.


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