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2 posters

    van mirrors


    van mirrors Empty van mirrors

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:17 am

    i need a pic of back of a mirror braket so i can put my back together
    my bolts up to the top of the door an under the window if someone has
    a pic of one
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    van mirrors Empty Re: van mirrors

    Post by Old Skool Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:01 am

    Apparently you are referring to the "WESTERN" type mirrors??
    If so, there are a couple of problems with the OEM ones, also, which type do you have? Are they the "FOMOCO" full stainless type, painted ones, or an after market type.
    I have been selling the "FOMOCO" stainless ones for years and have boxes full of miscellaneous parts for them.
    The stock mounting uses an upper "clicker" to move them in and fold up, then re locate. That clicker part is always broken and I know of NO replacements??
    The stock mounting also leaves the mirror not plumb up and down.
    To get rid of both problems, I knock the outboard locating pin out of the mirror arm and drill it out to 3/8ths. Then cut off the inner part of the arm to exactly the edge of the old hole. This moves the upper part inwards now, setting the arm plumb. You cannot get new clickers anyways, and makes it look nicer.

    van mirrors 100_0612

    Number of posts : 64
    Location : san diego
    Registration date : 2012-04-14

    van mirrors Empty Re: van mirrors

    Post by mik Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:35 pm

    old skool,
    i am looking for stainless western mirror for a 73 e-100. I have the mirrors but no mounting arm or brackets. Any chance you have a set?

    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    van mirrors Empty Re: van mirrors

    Post by Old Skool Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:40 am

    I finally just found two sets as they don't seem to be around anymore. However, I am sure you would understand not wanting to mess them up. I may still have some F-150 bars?? and I do have a special press fixture to re squash them to match the E lengths??? If I have the stainless bars I should be able to copy them,,, I may have scrapped them though???? Will have to look in the parts trailer. Will try next few days and see what I can come up with,,,I boxes of the brackets so not worried about that end....

    Number of posts : 64
    Location : san diego
    Registration date : 2012-04-14

    van mirrors Empty Re: van mirrors

    Post by mik Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:55 am

    Thanks Old Skool, woundn't want to trouble you with building new tubes. I can fab them too if I decide to go that route. Thought I might be able to save some time Very Happy
    Old Skool
    Econoline Guru

    Number of posts : 1306
    Location : North Hills, CA
    Age : 72
    Registration date : 2009-06-13

    van mirrors Empty Re: van mirrors

    Post by Old Skool Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:13 pm

    Used to be out all the time,, I think the days of the GENII's are numbered also,, (u think?)LOL

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