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3 posters

    fusible links


    fusible links Empty fusible links

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:17 pm

    well, while im working on the wiring of my van i have questions popping out every day.
    as i am doing the research i find that some people ditch the fusible link in place of a maxi-fuse or a fusible element.
    has anyone done this before?? any tips and/or suggestions??

    Number of posts : 1148
    Location : prince edward island canada
    Age : 66
    Registration date : 2008-05-29

    fusible links Empty Re: fusible links

    Post by jkr Thu Jan 26, 2012 2:01 pm

    you could go the route of using maxi-fuses and it's a good idea. if there were a problem somewhere down the road you wouldn't have to cut out a burnt fuseable link and solder in a new one. just pop in a fuse provided you found out what caused a 40 amp link to burn up. fuseable links should always be soldered in place with care not to let the solder creep into the link wire,this increases the amperage for it to burn out if there is to much intrusion. i would never crimp one in place as there is a chance of corrosion at the crimps. just my 2 cents..........

    Number of posts : 890
    Location : zelienople,pa.
    Age : 60
    Registration date : 2011-03-10

    fusible links Empty Re: fusible links

    Post by jrinaman Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:18 pm

    i bought circuit breakers for mine from del city. theyre still on my workbench behind 10 other projects.

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    fusible links Empty Re: fusible links

    Post by donivan65 Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:40 am

    You would never even know if you had a problem until the fire if you use circuit breakers,,,,,a diode or something could short out and that circuit breaker keeps resetting over and over until the points weld closed and you have a dead short,,,,,,,fusible links are to protect you,,,,,,they stop power when you have a problem,,,,you don't ever have to worry about them unless they blow,,,,,then you find and fix the problem before you power up the circuit again......

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