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    64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP


    64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP Empty 64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:40 pm

    hey all, just picked up a 64 econoline van! i'm stoked, but i'm having trouble with the running/brake lights.

    (already replaced the stoplight switch underneath, but...)

    STUPID QUESTION: how do i disassemble the fuse box/headlight switch???

    i pulled off the dash plate and i can feel a spring-loaded peg on the left side, but it doesn't seem to release anything. i feel like an idiot here, but i've been fiddling all over with this thing and i can't seem to get the thing unhinged. it may just be rusted on there, but how is that switch connected?

    i really appreciate any help with the thing, or general tips when it comes to this electrical setup.. (the pile of 47-yr-old wires is daunting...)

    THANK YOU!!!

    ps- the lights have worked intermittently, so i know it's not a fuse and the wiring must be intact..

    Number of posts : 287
    Location : Virginia Beach
    Registration date : 2011-07-31

    64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP Empty Re: 64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP

    Post by cl350rr Tue Nov 22, 2011 6:25 pm

    not sure how to get the switch apart but with intermitant lighting problems I always search for good ground path first, you know power can get to the bulb

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP Empty Re: 64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP

    Post by donivan65 Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:13 pm

    You need to push the button and pull the knob assembly out to unscrew the bezel to take the switch out,,,,HOWEVER,,,a person can wear his finger out pressing that button,,,so shoot WD40 on the button and down the stem,,,,it should let the stem pull out,,,,,eventually,,,,,,

    64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP Repai144

    Number of posts : 143
    Location : Orange California
    Age : 76
    Registration date : 2011-01-25

    64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP Empty Headlight switch removal

    Post by Carl Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:23 pm

    1. Remove the control knob and shaft by pressing the knob release buttun on the switch housing, with the knob in the full ON poosition. Pull the knob out of the switch. 2. Unscrew the mounting nut and remove the switch. Remove the mounting clip and the fuse panel from the switch. -this from the manual.

    64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP Empty Re: 64 econoline ELECTRICAL HELP

    Post by Guest Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:21 pm

    awesome, thanks so much for the responses!

    i checked the grounds and they seem good, so i'll try the wd40, as i've almost bored a hole into my thumb..
    figured it must be that simple.

    i'll get some pictures up of the work in progress

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