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    Quick question about distributor.

    Sy Hollinshead
    Sy Hollinshead

    Number of posts : 466
    Location : Cambridgeshire, UK
    Registration date : 2008-10-11

    Quick question about distributor. Empty Quick question about distributor.

    Post by Sy Hollinshead Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:41 am

    Hi folks, i've been messing around with the timing on my van, using a vacuum gauge to make adjustments.
    I've done it now, and the van runs way better, but the only problem i have is that i have had to turn the dizzy quite a long way anti-clockwise to get the best results, and now the vacuum on the dizzy is in the way of the dipstick. So much so that i have had to remove the dipstick, and also i can't get to the bolt to tighten up the dizzy.
    So my question is, if i were to take off the HT leads from the distributor cap and move them all round anti clockwise one place, and then turn the dizzy 1/6th of a turn clockwise, would this give me the same result. It works in my head, but have never done anything like that before....

    Number of posts : 6186
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    Quick question about distributor. Empty Re: Quick question about distributor.

    Post by Twinpilot001 Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:18 am

    [ilikely will work for you- just must be sure you are moving all in the opposite direction than rotor is turning
    remeber that is advancing the firing order- and then move the dist. to retard the timing to get reset where it should be . then use a timing light to check & reste all. The problem with the vac setting is where are u getting the reading ? poretd or manifold vacumn.? Also is best to really use the timing light method on all - considering maybe how was the engine built? factory specs, cam advanced or just worn timing chain & gears - mabe requiring the experience you are getting- with the vac gague?? Happy vannin.
    Sy Hollinshead
    Sy Hollinshead

    Number of posts : 466
    Location : Cambridgeshire, UK
    Registration date : 2008-10-11

    Quick question about distributor. Empty Re: Quick question about distributor.

    Post by Sy Hollinshead Tue Sep 13, 2011 7:35 am

    I took the vacuum direct from the manifold, from the port that supplies the gearbox vacuum modulator. And followed the instructions on this website, that was recommended on here somewhere....

    I have to say, it all worked really well, and the van is running so much nicer now. There are no more dead spots during acceleration, and i don't need to use anywhere near as much throttle now. I just need to tighten up the dizzy. I think i will try moving the HT leads as soon as the rain stops...

    Number of posts : 310
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2010-05-26

    Quick question about distributor. Empty Re: Quick question about distributor.

    Post by SDEconoTruck Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:39 am

    Hello Sy,

    Perhaps I am not clear on this but it sounds like
    all you need to do is re-stab the dizzy. Rotate
    it over one gear tooth to give you rotating range
    BTW, using a vacuum gauge to set timing is one of
    the best ways to do it on the straight sixes. Never
    trust a timing light for various reasons.

    I was told by the owner of Pony Carbs to use the
    vac gauge to get you in the correct zone timing-
    wise, then manually advance until you encounter
    detonation and back the distributor off a bit. This
    is to compensate for the octane rating of your local
    fuel supply (if you go to the same service station,
    and if you are a stickler for details, ha ha.)

    He's a bit of a guru on the topic, and his advice has
    my engines running beautifully with great mileage too!

    Have fun,
    Sy Hollinshead
    Sy Hollinshead

    Number of posts : 466
    Location : Cambridgeshire, UK
    Registration date : 2008-10-11

    Quick question about distributor. Empty Re: Quick question about distributor.

    Post by Sy Hollinshead Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:06 am

    Thanks for the replies, i will have a look at it in the morning, as it is dark and raining outside.

    So i can actually remove the dizzy and just rotate it clockwise a bit and put it back in....?

    By the way, the guide i linked to above says that turning the dizzy clockwise will advance the ignition. Is this right for a Ford six, or is it the other way around....? I'm presuming that guide was for a V8 or something....

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Quick question about distributor. Empty Re: Quick question about distributor.

    Post by sasktrini Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:52 am

    I have done it before, Sy.

    Remove the cap and mark rotor position relative to the dizzy body.

    Without completely removing the dizzy, lift while lightly twisting on rotor until you feel the gear teeth have disengaged... slip the rotor over one tooth in the desired direction. If you pull it all the way out, you may drop the hex shaft that joins the distributor to the oil pump or have trouble realigning the two shafts.

    Drop the dizzy back in place, realign the marks, clamp down, reinstall cap.

    As long as the right plug sparks at the right time, and the distributor has room to advance or retard as desired, you are good. I don't think there is any real mechanical risk involved here, but hope someone else will chime in if there is.
    Sy Hollinshead
    Sy Hollinshead

    Number of posts : 466
    Location : Cambridgeshire, UK
    Registration date : 2008-10-11

    Quick question about distributor. Empty Re: Quick question about distributor.

    Post by Sy Hollinshead Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:30 pm

    Thanks for that Corey, i was a bit nervous about completely removing the dizzy. Your method makes a lot of sense. I will let you know how i get on.
    Hopefully the van will be up and running properly tomorrow, as we need to pack the van ready for Thursday as we are off to a big Classic car show called Goodwood revival.
    I will take plenty of piccies and do a report when i get back...

    Number of posts : 210
    Location : buffalo, new york
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2010-07-01

    Quick question about distributor. Empty same problem

    Post by delraydoug Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:14 pm

    i was having the same trouble with my dist. the vaccum canister thing on distributor was pointing towards engine covering up the tie down bolt. pulled dist. partway out and moved it over a tooth. and put a vaccum gauage on intake to set timeing. it never ran so good and alot more power. dont trust the timeing light... thanks for the post it help me out

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    Quick question about distributor. Empty Re: Quick question about distributor.

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