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    Android or Iphone app?


    Number of posts : 8
    Location : Kansas
    Registration date : 2010-12-11

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Android or Iphone app?

    Post by Shadow6010 Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:07 pm

    Hello My name is Arlen But you can call me Shadow if you would like ... I was Curious if Vintage-Vans had an android app? Just curious to know I love the site so far.. My brother Thebrainsays and I are starting to work on our vans and will be using the site pretty regular.. I was just curious if there was an app for that.. Iphone and or Android..

    Thanks Arlen.

    Android or Iphone app? 2011-07-08%25252016.33.13

    Number of posts : 30743
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by G-Man Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:34 pm

    Welcome to the site!!!!

    Number of posts : 8
    Location : Kansas
    Registration date : 2010-12-11

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by Shadow6010 Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:53 pm

    Thanks G-Man..

    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by Barnabas Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:40 pm

    You'll find that many of us here have been vannin' for longer than you have been around, and we still think of a telephone as something you use to talk to someone who is not close enough to yell at. Very Happy

    I mean no disrespect. We welcome the suggestion.

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by sasktrini Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:29 pm

    Welcome! Great idea, though I am using an ancient Motorola flip phone from like 10 years ago! I'm a computer guy too, but have not studied developing mobile apps! All it would take is someone with the know-how and enthusiasm, and I bet it would be possible!

    Number of posts : 100
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    Registration date : 2010-03-18

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by TBmain Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:50 am

    Welcome, I have a Droid X and it was easy to make an short-cut icon on my home page that has a direct link to vintage-vans. Not really an app but one step access to the site.

    First, I opened the vintage van site through the browser and then press the Menu button..then Add shortcut to Home.

    Never had any problems. Runs excellent on our Android phones.

    Tim from IL

    Number of posts : 1109
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by EconoCarl Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:16 pm

    Thanks for the tip TB!

    Number of posts : 692
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by Donn Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:43 pm

    NO ....aps, gps, ac, ps, pw,pb, rims over 15inch, nasty new tires, loud bass shaking your windows,rap music, dvd players,

    I think that covers it Very Happy

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by sasktrini Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:10 pm

    chebby, I just got an Android phone, and reading a little on web sites designed for mobile browsers. Seems that using css would be used to render the website in a layout that's optimized for a phone (font sizes, image thumbnails, etc.). Does this site or forum use stylesheets, and would you want some help in trying to figure out how to get it to work?

    Number of posts : 575
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by austinmodhouse Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:28 pm

    I find it is quite compatible with my iphone and ipad as well.

    Donn, if you get an ipad, you won’t need dvd, gps or desktop (for most applications) digital camera. and it will not affect your PS, AC, PW. specific user definitions may have bone shaking bass, but not necessarily. I myself don’t care for rap.

    Number of posts : 7911
    Location : Escanaba, Michigan
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by DanTheVanMan Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:47 pm

    Here ya go Shadow, see if you can scan this..

    Android or Iphone app? Qr_cod10


    1965 Chevy G10 Sportvan Custom
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    Android or Iphone app? Qr_cod10

    <-<-<- Cruising is not a "Point A to Point B" thing, but an "Everything in between thing!  <-<-<-

    Number of posts : 7911
    Location : Escanaba, Michigan
    Age : 62
    Registration date : 2008-10-08

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by DanTheVanMan Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:54 pm

    Here's a bar-code for Vintage-Vans...

    Android or Iphone app? Vintag11

    1965 Chevy G10 Sportvan Custom
    1984 Jeep CJ-7 Laredo, Restored
    2004 Kawasaki KLR650
    1997 Jeep TJ Sport

    My Mini Gallery

    Android or Iphone app? Qr_cod10

    <-<-<- Cruising is not a "Point A to Point B" thing, but an "Everything in between thing!  <-<-<-

    Number of posts : 1731
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    Registration date : 2008-05-01

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by Admin Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:07 pm

    This is the official announcement from our server...

    3. Your forum on your Mobile phone : Now, your forums are fully optimized for browsing via mobile devices and smartphones. The principle is very simple, the forum will automatically detect the visitors who access it from a mobile device or smartphone, and it automatically displays a version optimized for this type of navigation.
    Of course, the visitor who does not wish to use the mobile version will be available to him the possibility to return to normal view forum.
    This feature is still in beta, you will only be able to browse the forum as a guest. No posting yet.
    Moderator 1st Class
    Moderator 1st Class

    Number of posts : 8777
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by dix Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:02 pm

    welcome to the site . sorry but i don't do smart phones, face book or any of the new wave stuff. let me know when you would like to listen to a 8track. (old school) I still type with 1 finger. back in my dayin high school we had wood shop . Not typing.

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by RodStRace Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:44 pm

    True story:
    my Significant Other got an I-phone for Christmas.
    After many, many phone calls over many days to Verison, the I-phone mfgr and our local cable Co. she returned it for another. New phone shows up, some problems fixed, others exactly the same. Everyone tried to help, but nothing worked. She ends up sending the POS back and returns to her old phone. Fast forward to a week ago. She got a new android phone. Same nightmare marathon to set up. She spent at least 5 hours, some days as much as 10 hours calling and trying to get the new phone to work with emails. This went on until today. She sent it back and is going to get another droid. I expect to put up with her emotional roller-coaster and hear the same junk for at least 2 days, IF everthing can get fixed.
    If there was some way for me to reach out and touch the developers, sales and service staff for these phones, I would happily pay for that 'app' because it would inflict serious injury on all of them! Problem is, it wouldn't work!!!!

    Number of posts : 1293
    Location : Charleston, South Carolina
    Age : 52
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by Lazarusvan Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:50 pm

    RodStRace wrote:True story:
    my Significant Other got an I-phone for Christmas.
    After many, many phone calls over many days to Verison, the I-phone mfgr and our local cable Co. she returned it for another. New phone shows up, some problems fixed, others exactly the same. Everyone tried to help, but nothing worked. She ends up sending the POS back and returns to her old phone. Fast forward to a week ago. She got a new android phone. Same nightmare marathon to set up. She spent at least 5 hours, some days as much as 10 hours calling and trying to get the new phone to work with emails. This went on until today. She sent it back and is going to get another droid. I expect to put up with her emotional roller-coaster and hear the same junk for at least 2 days, IF everthing can get fixed.
    If there was some way for me to reach out and touch the developers, sales and service staff for these phones, I would happily pay for that 'app' because it would inflict serious injury on all of them! Problem is, it wouldn't work!!!!

    Rod, I understand your frustration. My wife uses Outlook for email and that was a pain in the tail for her to make work. She has an EVO (after returning another phone that was suppossed to work, possibly Blackberry?) and it took a lot of time to get it to work. Don't know if that is her problem?

    Number of posts : 575
    Location : austin
    Registration date : 2010-07-30

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by austinmodhouse Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:30 am

    wow. my experience is quite different. I’m on my third iphone. set up was quite easy. maybe that is not the case if you live in a rural location. I have an att and apple store just down the street from my house.

    the real magic about these phones is that once they are set up and you sync with computer regularly, then replacement is a non issue. when I upgraded to a new iphone (or lost one) I just got a replacement, sync’d to my computer and within a few minutes it was an exact clone of its previous self (all settings, aps, pics, music were transferred to new iphone from last saved version of the old)

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by RodStRace Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:57 am

    The I-phone had issues with international settings (german language in areas, British pounds in others).
    The droid had email issues that could not get resolved, causing send and receive problems on the phone and the previously okay computer!
    Moderator 1st Class
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    Number of posts : 8777
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by dix Fri Jan 20, 2012 2:25 pm

    Rod tell them you want reimbursed for your time spent on treir garbage. i'll bet you get a phone that works then...

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by RodStRace Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:07 pm

    The phone Co. blames the cable Co, the cable Co. blames the phone Co. They both blame Google, since the cable Co. moved the emails over to gmail.
    Ever see that poster where everyone is pointing at someone else?

    They have spent a lot of time trying to help, but trying and DOING are not the same!

    The worst part is when they have her redo it all. I agree that sometimes this triggers something in computers, but it always reminds me of the quote..

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Albert Einstein


    Number of posts : 575
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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by austinmodhouse Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:15 pm

    that does sound like a real headache, I hate transferring service providers. I’ve had gmail acct for nearly a decade. their email service is html based, it’s very different from an email program as the emails are not really downloaded and stored on your computer, but gmail html (website code) is generated so you can use an internet browser (internet explorer, safari, chrome etc)

    if her gmail is showing on a computer, it should also be easy to use via phone. to configure gmail on an iphone it’s just a matter of entering a user name and password. if the content from a previous service she was expecting is not there, it’s probably not a phone (hardware) issue

    the days of everybody needing a desktop computer are on the way out. I can most everything with my phone or tablet (ipad). I still use my desktop for larger photo images and website/blog management. I’m sure future tablets will also help me manage those tasks.

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by RodStRace Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:46 pm

    name, password, type of account (POP3) and server, sockets, do I really need to go on? Multiply by five emails.....

    I hate the whole cloud thing. It's the same as the rental not ownership that all the biggies are moving to. I also do not want my info stored somewhere else that I have no control over. It's the info age and they all want you to give your info, but want to charge or not share their info... no thanks.

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by sasktrini Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:04 pm

    chebby wrote:This is the official announcement from our server...

    3. Your forum on your Mobile phone : Now, your forums are fully optimized for browsing via mobile devices and smartphones. The principle is very simple, the forum will automatically detect the visitors who access it from a mobile device or smartphone, and it automatically displays a version optimized for this type of navigation.
    Of course, the visitor who does not wish to use the mobile version will be available to him the possibility to return to normal view forum.
    This feature is still in beta, you will only be able to browse the forum as a guest. No posting yet.

    Thanks, chebby. I have some feedback.

    The menus and headings are very legible, though not in our familiar orange and black color scheme. However, the thread contents are black text on dark grey, including hyperlinks. The only thing I can really see is the reply headers and smileys if they are in a reply.

    Thanks. I do think this will be a great resource for when we are in the middle of nowhere with an "early" question!
    Big W
    Big W

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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by Big W Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:15 pm

    Hmmm...I guess I'll have to get rid of my morse code samsung and pick up a phone for just such an occasion. Of course I'll have to make up a different reason when I tell the wife why we need a new one affraid

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

    Post by sasktrini Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:06 pm

    I noticed a service on a local web site that is supposed to easily detect and create mobile versions of a web site... haven't learned much about it, but thought it might be worth bringing to your attention.

    Mobile Joomla web site

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    Android or Iphone app? Empty Re: Android or Iphone app?

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