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    69 chevy 108 sportvan deluxe

    Jay 13
    Jay 13

    Number of posts : 155
    Location : clayton n.c.
    Age : 53
    Registration date : 2011-02-01

    69 chevy 108 sportvan deluxe Empty 69 chevy 108 sportvan deluxe

    Post by Jay 13 Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:47 pm

    I found a 69 sportvan deluxe 108 for sale in sarasota, has a 307 with an automatic.according to the production #s listed on this site,there were only 306 of them ever made and 1969 was the only year of the sportvan deluxe.if I didn't have 3 projects going on I would buy it in a second,the only rust I saw was surface rust on the roof,the van had the original radio and all the chrome that goes around the perimiter of the body.The guy was selling it for his father in law who had several other old cars and trucks.he was asking $1000 for the van,said it had a hole in the gas tank and somebody crossed the plug wires on it.they parked it 7 years ago under a carport where it sits with current tags on it so it doese have a title.I told the guy about this website so hopefully someone who will appriciate this van will get it and bring it back to life

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:20 pm