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2 posters

    changing ratios in a 9"


    changing ratios in a 9" Empty changing ratios in a 9"

    Post by Guest Fri Jan 14, 2011 4:24 pm

    I just called the local rear end shop to see how much it would cost to get the gears changed in my 9" 3rd member. I currently have a 4.00, but would like a 3.50 or maybe even a 3.25. My roller is a '66 240ci.

    They said it would be $750 if they have to replace bearings, $605 if the bearings are ok. It's too much for me to spend at the moment so I'd like to explore the possibility of getting a used 3rd member.

    Is there anything in particular I should look for? Spline count? Input shaft?

    Is there a particular vehicle I could look for in a wrecking yard that would have what I want?

    Number of posts : 2198
    Location : Ft Thomas,Ky
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    changing ratios in a 9" Empty Re: changing ratios in a 9"

    Post by EconoUSAparts Fri Jan 14, 2011 6:04 pm

    Assuming its a stock Econo 9 inch you have you should look for 28 splines.

    changing ratios in a 9" Empty Re: changing ratios in a 9"

    Post by Guest Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:01 pm

    What other vehicles have 9" rear ends with 28 splines?

    Number of posts : 2198
    Location : Ft Thomas,Ky
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    changing ratios in a 9" Empty Re: changing ratios in a 9"

    Post by EconoUSAparts Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:49 pm

    A lot did but heres one of several sites that may be able to help you.

    Number of posts : 100
    Location : Illinios
    Registration date : 2010-03-18

    changing ratios in a 9" Empty Re: changing ratios in a 9"

    Post by TBmain Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:05 am

    I changed mine a couple of months back, you can save yourself a ton money by taking out the center section on your own and taking it to shop. I picked up a 3.00 for my 9inch on ebay for 65. and the bearing kit from a local parts store. You'll save alot in labor costs, I've never done one before,basic hand tools and internet instructions. 1500 hundred miles since rebuild and still going!

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