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    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue


    Number of posts : 235
    Location : Santa Fe, Texas
    Registration date : 2010-11-11

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty 1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue

    Post by Vanner63 Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:39 pm

    Hello everyone. I am new to this site and a great site it is. Lots of ideas and great looking vans and trucks.

    I have a question. I am looking at buying a 1963 Econo P/U. There is rust thru on the frame at the spring perches. Is this a problem that should cause me to nix the purchase or can that rust be repaired by welding in new metal? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Number of posts : 30743
    Location : Fowlerville, MI
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-06

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty Re: 1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue

    Post by G-Man Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:06 pm

    Welcome to the site!!!! That's a bad area for rust and a tuff repair. If it's something you don't think you can fix it yourself might be better to walk away. Body is the first thing to look for on any early, and body work always is three times what you think it will be. sometimes you have to let one get by you. There's a lot of econo pickup's out there, Just keep a eye out in the for sale section. We'll find you a good one

    Number of posts : 339
    Location : Huntington, West Virginia
    Registration date : 2010-04-07

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty Re: 1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue

    Post by lectricman Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:25 pm

    I will be making that area for my '62 Econo truck probably next spring or summer.... It seems to me as if the passenger side is always the worst side of the uni structure... I am going to take the spring loose from that box and cut it out and remake it and then weld it back in... just my 2 cents... probably a 7 out of 10 on the "can I do it scale" Laughing Laughing

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty Re: 1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue

    Post by donivan65 Thu Nov 11, 2010 7:52 pm

    In ChevyLand the ?frame? is .080,,,,,a little bit thicker than 1/16". thats poor even on a good day,,,,,we can remove the rear bumper and slide a 2" piece of square tubing in there and run bolts through the sides to make it stronger,,,,,,but you can cut and peel back the floor section on top and see EXACTLY what is going on inside that U channel. And fix it accordingly. So IF the rest of the vehicle is in good condition AND the price is right,,,,,,the unibody rust issue can be resolved,,,,,making it even better than new. So maybe some of this information applies to your trucks,,,,,,,

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Repai170

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Repai171

    Number of posts : 235
    Location : Santa Fe, Texas
    Registration date : 2010-11-11

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty Thanks guys.

    Post by Vanner63 Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:58 pm

    Thanks to the members that replied to my question. I will be taking a better look at it on Monday. I'll post an update. Thanks again!

    Number of posts : 266
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2009-12-03

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty Re: 1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue

    Post by kgdb Tue Nov 16, 2010 5:15 am

    twday wrote:Hello everyone. I am new to this site and a great site it is. Lots of ideas and great looking vans and trucks.

    I have a question. I am looking at buying a 1963 Econo P/U. There is rust thru on the frame at the spring perches. Is this a problem that should cause me to nix the purchase or can that rust be repaired by welding in new metal? Any suggestions would be appreciated.


    I repaired the driver side on mine and replaced the passenger side. I had a excellent parts van that had solid spring mounts so i salvaged the passenger side. Not a difficult job at all.


    Number of posts : 235
    Location : Santa Fe, Texas
    Registration date : 2010-11-11

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty Re: 1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue

    Post by Vanner63 Tue Nov 16, 2010 2:31 pm

    Thanks kgdb,

    I plan on purchasing the truck after getting the feedback. It was not as bad as I thought at the spring perches and in the frame.

    Number of posts : 339
    Location : Huntington, West Virginia
    Registration date : 2010-04-07

    1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue Empty Re: 1963 Econoline Pickup rust issue

    Post by lectricman Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:29 pm

    the worst places on the 2 I have built were the motor "cross mounts" for lack of knowing what they are really called... they bolt across the unibody and the motor mounts bolt to them... An easy fix though, not a reason not to purchase..... get us some pics as soon as you can... and welcome to the club!!!!! Your only about 7 hours away from me so trucks in our area should be about in the same conditions....

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