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3 posters

    66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it?

    Slick Steve
    Slick Steve

    Number of posts : 38
    Location : Indy
    Registration date : 2010-06-08

    66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it? Empty 66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it?

    Post by Slick Steve Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:02 pm

    The owner 66' Econoline I am looking at says it has a 300 in it. Is it possible it came with this engine originally? It is the heavy duty model, for what that is worth.


    Number of posts : 30743
    Location : Fowlerville, MI
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-06

    66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it? Empty Re: 66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it?

    Post by G-Man Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:51 pm

    300 will fit in there, but thats not a stock motor
    Slick Steve
    Slick Steve

    Number of posts : 38
    Location : Indy
    Registration date : 2010-06-08

    66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it? Empty Re: 66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it?

    Post by Slick Steve Sun Jun 20, 2010 12:59 pm

    Is there a way to tell the difference between the 240 and the 300?

    Number of posts : 7
    Location : Milwaukee
    Registration date : 2010-05-20

    66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it? Empty Re: 66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it?

    Post by RickWWW Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:34 am

    My small amount of research shows that the 300 is definitely not stock. But, if it is a 300, you are in good shape. The 240 apparently had some blow-by issues that were resolved with the 300. Both engines should look pretty much the same. Don't know anything about identification marks. If it is the 300, it means it was swapped in - which would be an improvement over the 240.

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    66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it? Empty Re: 66' Econoline...could it have a 300 in it?

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