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4 posters

    Textured sheet rubber flooring?


    Number of posts : 174
    Location : Francestown, NH, USA
    Registration date : 2009-12-22

    Textured sheet rubber flooring? Empty Textured sheet rubber flooring?

    Post by SnarkyPoet Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:02 pm

    I need a rubber floor mat! I'm in the midst of restoring / preserving my "numbers matching, date-coded and inspection marked early with provenance", as Rod so succinctly put it. Smile

    I'm hoping that someone here has seen the original style sheet rubber flooring somewhere. My custom sportsman originally had a "carpet" or "rope" texture black rubber flooring that was then colored brown with gold flecks on the surface. It was about 1/32" thick. I still have the original front mat but it has faded to a dull greyish color and the rubber is now very brittle.

    I'd appreciate any leads people can provide.

    Number of posts : 756
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2010-01-23

    Textured sheet rubber flooring? Empty Re: Textured sheet rubber flooring?

    Post by kiwimopar Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:54 pm

    Maybe see if Legendary Interiors have that sort of material?

    just found this place on the net...follow the selections at the top;
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    Number of posts : 8763
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    Textured sheet rubber flooring? Empty Re: Textured sheet rubber flooring?

    Post by dix Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:38 pm

    try metro rubber (800)878-2237 or auto body specialties (860)346-4989. let us know how those work out.. ps any luck on the v8 linkage?? thanks dix...

    Number of posts : 553
    Location : Warwick, RI/Ellsworth, Maine
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Textured sheet rubber flooring? Empty Re: Textured sheet rubber flooring?

    Post by fmc56 Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:20 am

    Auto Custom Carpets in Anniston AL has it in several colors. Also any auto upholstery shop should be able to get it in black. I buy it in 6' width from Three Rivers Supply in Pittsburgh PA. They are a wholesale distributor.

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    Textured sheet rubber flooring? Empty Re: Textured sheet rubber flooring?

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