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3 posters

    Headliner Template


    Number of posts : 64
    Location : Santa Barbara CA
    Registration date : 2008-09-11

    Headliner Template Empty Headliner Template

    Post by Hangtime Sat Aug 22, 2009 10:11 am

    Howdy everyone,
    I need a template for the front section of the headliner (over the front seats) anyone out there have one? I also have all of my old side and door panels if anyone needs those as templates.

    Number of posts : 2067
    Location : Saskatoon, SK, Canada
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Headliner Template Empty Re: Headliner Template

    Post by sasktrini Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:17 pm

    I've only ever used trial-and-error to get panel fitment right, but my last van (85 Chev conversion) used some neat tricks to eliminate some weird curves from the roof panels... hard to explain... I'll try.

    The edges that run the length of the van? It had sheet metal curved into like a side console shape... a flat section that bolted to the side ribs, and then bent flat a couple inches below the ribs in the roof. There were spotlights mounted in there down the length as well as an LED strip. Then it had a curved bend about an inch long, then bent flat with the roof ribs... so the side profile of this long panel looked like a wave, but with flanges that screwed to the roof ribs and the wall ribs... recess created above for accessories! The result is that there is a straight line for "square" roof panels on the sides, and you only have to curve the front of the roof panel... plenty of surface to screw the sides of the roof panel down, as well as the tops of the wall panels.

    Sorry though, I don't have measurements for the headliner. I just encourage you to think outside the box if no one can come up with a template for you.

    Boy, am I jazzed right now about my early... answering posts with out answering the topic? Laughing

    Number of posts : 71
    Location : Los Angeles
    Registration date : 2009-01-11

    Headliner Template Empty Re: Headliner Template

    Post by primaldesigns Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:49 pm

    I the original cardboard headliner from my van. I can try and make a template for you. I would be interested in the side and door panel templates if you have them. Send me a PM and we can talk about it.

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    Headliner Template Empty Re: Headliner Template

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