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    Oops, I did it again

    Parts & Labor
    Parts & Labor

    Number of posts : 1
    Location : Panama City, FL
    Registration date : 2024-05-11

    Oops, I did it again Empty Oops, I did it again

    Post by Parts & Labor Sat May 25, 2024 9:55 pm

    Hi there. Happy to find this forum. I'm a new member who just bought a '62 Econoline Travel Wagon. It's in really nice shape for an old van that was built when I wasn't quite 4 years old. I had an awesome '61 around 45-years ago and have always missed it and hoped to buy another some day– and here we are.

    A few weeks ago, my son and I flew to San Diego to buy the van and we drove it back to our home in Florida. We had an unplanned layover for a few days in Van Horn, Texas, when the carb crapped out. It took several days to diagnose the issue and receive parts in that friendly little town. After that, we continued on down the road.

    Right now, I am mainly addressing all the key things that need to be fixed up front. This one has a 170 in it. My previous Econoline had a 200 ci and the difference in power is significant. Am considering my options before I get too deep into fixing this engine up.

    So, I have a question: Has anybody here ever tried to install a Ford Barra (Australian 6 cylinder) in an Econoline? I know there are lots of V8 and similar projects, but a beefed-up six is appealing, given the size of the dog house and mounts. If so, please let me know-- have not been able to find anything so far. Just seems to be a good match-up.

    Apart from that, just wanted to say hello. I look forward to being an active part of this community! Thank you.

      Current date/time is Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:57 am