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2 posters

    1970 "FreeVan"


    Number of posts : 3
    Location : Placentia, CA
    Registration date : 2022-08-07

    1970 "FreeVan" Empty 1970 "FreeVan"

    Post by van-itti Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:09 pm

    Hello and a Happy 4th to everyone!

    Particular or maybe not so much situation here... A couple years ago I took a van that couldnt stay where it was any longer. Plans upon plans fell apart and now that van needs to be moved once again. I just cant keep it.
    While it started out to be "Free" it has become anything but.

    The van is a 1970 G10 108. It has a 350 V8 that recently was turned over and is NOT seized.
    I have some pics of the body but honestly its ROUGH and would take more than I am willing to put into it.
    It was a camper and has the interior stuff. Fridge/sink etc.
    I have a signed but undated "Salvage" California title. Van has been in the high desert of Cal for many years and is not rusted but has been modified by previous owners. Added windows and roof vent.

    This van has got to go and right away. I have angered the property owner..
    Contact me here or VCVC. Somebodys getting a good deal.


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    Number of posts : 749
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
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    1970 "FreeVan" Empty Re: 1970 "FreeVan"

    Post by AzDon Mon Jul 17, 2023 10:00 pm

    I was away when this posted and don't really need another van, but California's high desert isn't so far away that I wouldn't consider a rescue to prevent a good van from going to scrap.....I hope it found a good home.....

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 6:44 pm