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2 posters

    Template for front mat ?

    Keith D
    Keith D

    Number of posts : 405
    Location : El Dorado Hills, Ca
    Registration date : 2016-11-25

    Template for front mat ? Empty Template for front mat ?

    Post by Keith D Sun Oct 02, 2022 6:47 pm

    Hello all,

    Let me start out saying that I have been MIA from the forum for a few months now. My wife is having some health issues and I have had to take her to numerous appointments. I have also had to work on most Saturdays and do some more chores around the house. So unfortunately I have not had any time to work on the van.

    About the only thing that I have done on my van project lately is to send some pieces in to get chromed, still waiting to get them back from the chromer.

    I have a little time now and I want to get a front floor mat made up. Does anyone have a floor mat that they would like to sell (it doesn't have to be in great shape). Better still does anyone have a template that they made but no longer need.

    Thanks... Keith

    BTW... I owe some of you a response and I will get back to you as soon as I can...

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    Number of posts : 1564
    Location : Lake Oroville, Ca.
    Registration date : 2015-11-19

    Template for front mat ? Empty Re: Template for front mat ?

    Post by OutofSight Wed Oct 05, 2022 6:28 pm

    I sold my nos mat after making a template which I used to make my floor mat out of a beer rubber product. I have an automatic. If you want me to pull mine ou pt and copy it for you let me know. Sorry to hear of your wife’s issues, hope things get better soon.

    gmytych likes this post

    Keith D
    Keith D

    Number of posts : 405
    Location : El Dorado Hills, Ca
    Registration date : 2016-11-25

    Template for front mat ? Empty Re: Template for front mat ?

    Post by Keith D Wed Oct 05, 2022 7:17 pm

    OutofSight wrote:I sold my nos mat after making a template which I used to make my floor mat out of a beer rubber product. I have an automatic. If you want me to pull mine ou pt and copy it for you let me know. Sorry to hear of your wife’s issues, hope things get better soon.

    That sounds like a lot of work on your part, if you get some time that would be great. Mine is an automatic also.

    Thanks... Will know more when she gets some more testing done.

    Thank You again...

    BTW... I just heard from the chrome shop my stuff will be done the middle of next week Very Happy
    maybe I will get a few things done on the van before years end after all.

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