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    Isadore (?)


    Number of posts : 765
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Isadore (?) Empty Isadore (?)

    Post by AzDon Tue May 24, 2022 9:39 pm

    Is a door a proper place to hang ladders (?) spare tire's (?) or misc other crap??    

    I've always preferred a clean look devoid of badging, door handles and even the license plate belongs elsewhere!

    Today, I did something totally out of character and I still can't believe it.... I hung my spare tire on one of the doors.....

    This may be one of the worst things I've ever done to one of my vans (or maybe not)

    Somebody please stop me before I cut portholes in or hang a visor on it ... PLEASE!

    I'll post pictures tomorrow.... So for now I'll just post a link to the tire cover I'm considering...


    Number of posts : 765
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Isadore (?) Empty Re: Isadore (?)

    Post by AzDon Wed May 25, 2022 7:52 pm

    Here are pictures"

    Isadore (?) Tiremo10

    Isadore (?) Tiremo11

    Isadore (?) Tiremo12

    Isadore (?) Tiremo14

    So the tire is mounted on the inside of the side door.... It is a dual-pattern 16 inch temporary spare.... It fits both the 5on5 metric studs of the rear end and the 5on475 pattern with 7/16 studs on the front.... The rack will also hold 10 tapered lugnuts in the two sizes (not pictured yet)...

    Also shown in the third picture is the extended inside door latch that can be reached through the passenger door, allowing me to eliminate outside handle and lock...

    Isadore (?) Tiremo13

    Isadore (?) Tiremo15

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Fredericksburg, Texas
    Registration date : 2022-04-18

    Isadore (?) Empty Re: Isadore (?)

    Post by wishbone Thu May 26, 2022 7:47 am

    Hey Don,

    Since you're so far along, make a flat top on the cover with a little rail, so it can be used as a shelf.

    What I find more interesting is your dog box. Tells us about that... unless you can point to a previous post. I'm new, but I've been looking at the old posts and haven't seen anything about this.

    Was the floor hole widened to fit a larger motor? Are there welds in it or is it all bolted? How is it insulated from heat, noise, fumes? How thick is that sheet metal? Does the whole box lift or just the top? Are there hinges?

    Boy... if the whole box lifted, it would offer great access... but I guess that would interfere with the seats. It looks like the seats are in front of the box... how did that happen? How is it fastened? Were you happy with the results?

    My dog box is a real mess. I may need to do something like this.


    Number of posts : 765
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Isadore (?) Empty Re: Isadore (?)

    Post by AzDon Thu May 26, 2022 1:12 pm

    The cool thing about this spot for the spare  (one of the cool things) is that it is a space that is really not in use when the doors are shut, yet there is plenty of room to walk past to get from the rear to the front side door....
    The tire is easily accessed from the curb side of the van when needed and is swung out of the way to enjoy the interior with the doors open....
    The face of the rim is mounted inward, but the valve stem is accessible with the door open because I offset the mounting so about a third of the backside is exposed....

    The Doghouse could easily be it's own thread.... The engine is set rearward 18 inches (for starters) and this doghouse has two removable sides and a rear cone section that also comes out easily.... The front 2/3 of the original box is still spotwelded in, but has a removable flat top at the level of the flare tops and that cover also has a short upright piece that is the front wall of the actual engine box.....All of it was constructed so it locks together naturally and every seam has either one or two rows of seals.....The side pieces are wedge shaped so they drop in easily and use the original box at the front to hold the rear cone section down and back where it clips under the floor... The side pieces are held down by hood pins, as is the front of the lid, which holds down the radiator cover..... The seat bases set into "box frames" and are pinned at the front and 1/3 0f each seat sets atop the rad cover
    So far I have not found any air leaks

    If you want to see my extensive collection of pictures of the box, you can find them in the "Member's Showcase" area in the "AzDon's 108" thread...The box pics are interspersed throughout the thread all the way to the end...

    You will see in the pics just how much floor was sacrificed to the engine setback... The hole in a second gen is almost full frame width, so it was not widened...
    The frames for each section are welded mostly in 2x2x1/8" angle and 1x1/060 square tubing and then they have 1/8 aluminum inner skin... The inner walls of the removable 3 sections are smooth and extend an inch below the floor... the sections themselves set atop a rubber seal.... I haven't insulated yet on the outside of the sections.... The rear, 2 side pieces, and lid each currently weigh 40 pounds ..., so in all, the deal probably weighs less than 200 pounds....

    I had a first-gen van in the seventies that i made a tilt-able box (sides, rear, and lid) but it was too heavy and awkward to remove from the van for servicing convenience because it had to be lifted OVER the 396, and that was a major undertaking...I decided on removable sections this time...

    Number of posts : 18
    Location : Fredericksburg, Texas
    Registration date : 2022-04-18

    Isadore (?) Empty Re: Isadore (?)

    Post by wishbone Fri May 27, 2022 5:56 am

    You're right... a doghouse could be it's own thread, but just one more thing. I searched in the gallery in the "G" section but found none of your pics.

    Can you provide a link to where those might be located?

    WOW... a 396 in an early? What a beast!

    Number of posts : 765
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Isadore (?) Empty Re: Isadore (?)

    Post by AzDon Fri May 27, 2022 7:12 pm

    In the list of "General Discussion" sections, there is one called "Member's Showcase"..... My thread "AzDon's 108" is in there...

    Number of posts : 765
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Isadore (?) Empty Re: Isadore (?)

    Post by AzDon Mon Jun 06, 2022 7:29 pm

    Isadore (?) Tirera10

    One more picture of the finished rack......The row of 5 lugnuts is 12/150 tapered that fit the 5on5 rear axle and the two are 7/16 tapered that fit the front and go with the three that hold the wheel.....The wheels use the shank-style nuts and washers, so these 10 are for the dual pattern spare only....

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    Isadore (?) Empty Re: Isadore (?)

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