I just picked up a large floor mount A/C evaporator, that I removed from a 1969 A-108 window van. It is in good shape, just needs the coil cleaned. It looks like the previous owner had a dog in there and it is full of hair. Its easy to get to, so cleaning should be a breeze. The roof top Condenser had already been removed, but I wanted to put a fan condenser combination ahead of the aluminum radiator anyway. I am still debating to go with a Chrysler V style compressor or use one of my York, or larger Techumseh compressors that I already have the mounting bracket and drive pulley, for the 318. I still have a good supply of R-12 to charge the system with the more efficient refrigerant, so the combination should work well, if I don't get lazy and just decide to sell it.
2 posters
A/C Evaporator
lboast- Number of posts : 112
Location : Prosser, Washington
Registration date : 2020-11-01
- Post n°1
A/C Evaporator
OutofSight- Number of posts : 1569
Location : Lake Oroville, Ca.
Registration date : 2015-11-19
- Post n°2
Re: A/C Evaporator
Sounds like a fun project.
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