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    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York


    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:30 am

    Hey guys,

    It's pretty much rained non-stop here for the month of June. So, since the van won't clear my garage I have to fiddle with it outside. Right now it's at a friends shop to have the brakes looked at. I'll get some interior shots when I get it back. Fairly solid in all the right spots. Of course, on my way over to his shop the linkage jambed up Mad ! (h-e-l-p) I hope the attached pics work. If not, I'll try again. Thanks Gents!

    [img]Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Th_07ed3947[/img][img]Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Th_1a42d45a[/img][img]Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Th_d4060f4b[/img]

    Number of posts : 7914
    Location : Escanaba, Michigan
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-10-08

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by DanTheVanMan Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:37 am

    One word....... "Sweeeeeet!"

    1965 Chevy G10 Sportvan Custom
    1984 Jeep CJ-7 Laredo, Restored
    2004 Kawasaki KLR650
    1997 Jeep TJ Sport

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    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Qr_cod10

    <-<-<- Cruising is not a "Point A to Point B" thing, but an "Everything in between thing!  <-<-<-

    Number of posts : 1383
    Location : Salem Or.
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by BILLS66 Wed Jun 24, 2009 6:38 am

    Looks Great good color. Bill

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Guest Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:12 am

    Thanks Guys. (looks who's talking) I'll keep ya posted.


    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Donn Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:12 pm

    Nice van!! I'm on LI which I think may sink soooooon.
    Say hi to Paul, Jr and Mikey

    Number of posts : 923
    Location : middletown,ny
    Registration date : 2009-04-03

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by wylee Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:50 am

    van looks great.., i might start looking ino snrokle kits for my rides. or maybe an ark.

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:57 am

    Yeah, I think this may be the first 24 hour period with out rain so far in June!!! Hey Wylee, I'm right down Rt 211, in Walden!! And hey Donn, another New Yorker I see. I actually see the OCC crew once in a while. (some people don't like them much, so I'm not bragging) However........I have a band and we played at Paul Srs house for his house warming party and a few times after that. There are pics of his house and garage w/classic cars and bikes on our website. You'll have to poke around the site to find the link to that page. Thanks guys, hope to see you soon.


    Number of posts : 692
    Location : Long Island, New York
    Registration date : 2009-04-05

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Donn Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:53 am

    That had to be cool playing there!!
    Funny thing I also play, been giging NY for 15 years. I am now doing an acoustic duet ( if you ever need an opening act. We could pull up in two earlies. That would be fun..

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:57 am

    Cool Don,

    I'll check out your myspace. We occasionally get as far as NJ, CT or PA. If you're ever in the Hudson Valley say hi.


    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:39 am

    Hey guys,

    Looks like I'll be replacing ALL the brake parts on the 66 G 10. (leaky wheel cyl, shoes falling apart, old drums) Does anyone have a good (not too expensive) source for drums, shoes etc? Auto Zone wants $54. per drum. Import Auto parts is asking $35. per drum. Getting better. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks B

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:16 am

    Hey Boss, I'm almost finished doin all the brakes on my 64. I got all my brake parts from Advanced Auto Parts. The rear wheel cylinders were only 10 bucks, but the rears are like 33. I went on their site to get some part numbers for you when I noticed that the fronts for a 66 are only 15 bucks, but the rears are 45! This lead me to my next question, if the rear cylinders on a 64 are cheep, and so are the fronts on a 66, could you use that combinatation? Can brake parts be enterchanged between 64-66? Anaway, here are some links...

    66 cylinders
    66 shoes(Front)
    66 shoes(Back)

    Hope this helps,

    Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York Empty Re: Some pics of the Chicago G 10 in New York

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:51 am

    Thanks Ryan,

    I guess shopping around will bring the total down. Thanks again for the legwork.


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