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    Gas Problem


    Number of posts : 672
    Location : Sarasota, Fl.
    Age : 61
    Registration date : 2014-09-04

    Gas Problem Empty Gas Problem

    Post by samsvan Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:37 am

    No, the wife's baked beans aren't the problem. If my tank is full, every time I make a right turn, gas leaks out of the cap. So besides the obvious like not turning right or only put half a tank in at a time, what are some options? The filler is so low on these things - it's almost level with the top of the tank. Is there some sort of baffle I can stick in the filler neck? Can I use a non vented gas cap? Any ideas are appreciated.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Number of posts : 373
    Location : Kingwood Texas
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2015-09-19

    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

    Post by gfleduc Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:40 am

    Is the over flow tube that the runs parallel to the filler tube hooked up or verified as not clogged?

    Number of posts : 12234
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

    Post by donivan65 Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:30 pm

    That tube is for letting the air out of the tank as gas goes into it,,,,so either you have a bad cap or overfilling the tank,,,,,,you cant top off our van tanks with the vented gas caps,,,,,mine will surely leak  if the weather gets hot or I park on a slant,,,,,a sealed gas cap might build up a lot of pressure and spray gas all over when you removed the cap,,,,surely you dont have to drive very far to have the gas level start going down,,,,does your gas station have automatic gas nozzles that shut off so you dont top off your tank,,,,,,,we dont do too much topping off here,,,,,

    Gas Problem Gassed10

    Number of posts : 672
    Location : Sarasota, Fl.
    Age : 61
    Registration date : 2014-09-04

    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

    Post by samsvan Mon Nov 25, 2019 2:33 pm

    I got one of the 24 gallon tanks from Vansauto. I also am running fuel injection so I have the supply and return line to the TBI and the vent line is run to the stock vent bung on the filler neck. I know there's nothing clogged.
    I quit topping off my gas tanks a while back too. I had a Chevy Avalanche that had some kind of charcoal filter in the fuel filler system that is supposed to prevent fumes from getting out into the atmosphere. Topping the tank off clogged that thing and it cost me $400 to replace it.
    I'm thinking about tying a piece of string to a chunk of sponge and stuffing it down the filler neck. I'm thinking that would still let everything breathe but maybe stop the raw fuel from spilling out. I could just pull the sponge out with the string when I fill up.
    I don't know what to say about $5.00 a gallon for gas...

    Number of posts : 749
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

    Post by AzDon Tue Nov 26, 2019 6:36 pm

    My 66 van did it in the seventies...… It is a factory defect from the days when gas was cheap and unburned gasoline emissions were not an issue...……
    The Vans Auto tanks are unfortunately an exact copy, so nothing has been added to bring the technology into the current century....
    I am considering having a custom tank made to fix this problem, but also so I can have an in-tank pump and a sump well for it.....

    I know what this problem needs as a fix and it may be possible to fix cheaply if the right tubing or pipe is available.....
    Basically, two pieces of lightweight tube that fits tightly inside the filler neck and vent pipe  and are cut to the width of the tank need to be inserted in the  tank's fill tube so that they cross to within about three inches of the far side of the tank.... This way, when you turn right and the fuel sloshes left, only the fuel already sitting in the pipe will slosh against the cap..... My 91 Olds wagon has a pipe like this from the factory that has a fitted ping-pong ball that plugs the opening on right turns.... My wagon also has the fill higher up as do the third-gen vans...
    Gives me another crazy idea.... How about a flip-fill on the roof right above the drip rail...

    And yet one more thought.... Maybe a "backflow prevention valve" could be installed inline....

    Number of posts : 672
    Location : Sarasota, Fl.
    Age : 61
    Registration date : 2014-09-04

    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

    Post by samsvan Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:34 pm

    Here's the prototype of my solution. I call it the Vanpon. First I looked on the internet to see if gas eats foam rubber. All that came up was a bunch of stuff about Napalm. Now I'm probably on some kind of watchlist...
    Anyway, I cut a chunk of foam and put some gas on it and it didn't dissolve. So I stuck a wire through the foam to be able to pull the foam out with and stuffed it down the filler neck. I'll fill the tank tomorrow and let you know if it does any good.

    Gas Problem Img_1912
    Gas Problem Img_1911
    Gas Problem Img_1910

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

    Post by vanny Sat Nov 30, 2019 5:31 pm

    You made me squirt milk through my nose... Razz cheers VanPons...hee 😜

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

    Number of posts : 749
    Location : Lake Havasu Az
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2014-01-20

    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

    Post by AzDon Sat Nov 30, 2019 8:49 pm

    Piece of PVC with an end cap on it that is fitted to the inside of the fill spout that you stuff down in there after a fill up..... small piece of chain down the middle that fastens to your cap so you can extract it..Dyed flesh tone, it would be quite a show at the gas station.....

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    Gas Problem Empty Re: Gas Problem

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