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    very cool bench seat w seat belts / slide in /out on tracks


    Number of posts : 590
    Location : louisville ky
    Registration date : 2010-11-06

    very cool bench seat w seat belts / slide in /out on tracks  Empty very cool bench seat w seat belts / slide in /out on tracks

    Post by ditdater Sat Nov 18, 2017 1:23 pm

    very cool bench seat w seat belts / slide in /out on tracks  20171112
    very cool bench seat w seat belts / slide in /out on tracks  20171112
    anybody fairly close to lou. ky. i got a middle bench seat from mid 80s vw vanagon . its brownish tan 2 tone , it can be mounted by drilling 4 holes  ,or drill/or track weld the bottom tracks to floor , to where you can slide seat in and out side door . it has 3 arm rests ,very comfortable ,sits at right height ,and seat belts are mounted to frame , very presentable as is or can have reupols. like the one i have in pics of my 65 chevy i had listed for sale . will get pics ,i hope w/in a few days , also could have a box of 1st gen G10 goodies w it ,   including stock front seat western style seat covers , brothers new interior chrome mirror ,full pair of wings , new chrome locking gas cap ,pair of h/lite buckets,         100.00      call anytime 502 432 3684 dan
     if you want pics to see style , gogle vanagon middle bench , see on samba classifieds .
    I cant get pics up , but there on Louisville c/list

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