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    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan


    Number of posts : 3
    Location : phoenix, arizona
    Registration date : 2016-06-04

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Empty New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan

    Post by miniburch Sun Jun 05, 2016 2:09 am

    Hey there, been lurking around here for a couple months and finally decided to get involved  haha. I picked up this 1968 108 Sportvan from a friend of mines father about 3 months ago and have been slowly fixing it up and driving the wheels off of it. It was originally a 307 van with the powerglide and now has kind of a Frankenstein 350. The story I got on the van is that it was bought from the original owner in Indiana in 1972 and was used to visit the national parks west of the Mississippi with its last major trip being from phoenix to Alaska in 1985. in 1988 it was parked in an RV storage lot due to a major crack in the windshield and it sat there tell around 2008 i believe when my friends father purchased it, he put the newer engine in it and drove it sometimes but it mostly sat due to health issues. I have always been a car guy growing up in an automotive upholstery shop that my dad owned and timing just happened to be perfect that he was looking to sell it and I am in the process of planing a cross country move to Pennsylvania in the next few months, so my plan is to get her up and running well enough to take about a 5000 mile month long road trip from AZ to PA as soon as she is ready. So far I have replaced the starter, fuel pump, spark plugs, replaced all the flat glass window gaskets, sound deadened and insulated the floors walls and ceiling, installed a laminate wood floor, and other stuff I cant think of at the moment. I have put about 3000 miles on her in the last few months and am sorting things out as they come up. Now that you have my life story Ill post a bunch of pictures of the progress.

    This is how it was purchased from the RV storage lot by my friends father.
     photo 31790180001_large.jpg

    This is how it looked when I purchased it.
     photo IMG_20160305_120614.jpg

    Seats that i upholstered a couple years back
     photo IMG_20160306_185305.jpg

     photo IMG_20160305_120938_1.jpg

    Sub floor before laminate
     photo IMG_20160507_132208.jpg

    laminate floor about finished
     photo IMG_20160507_155317.jpg

    Fiberglass window trim all installed and painted, pretty sure it wasn't original to the van as it was black.
     photo IMG_20160521_174119.jpg

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Empty Re: New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan

    Post by vanny Sun Jun 05, 2016 6:58 pm

    Welcome aboard miniburch! Congrats on the van. Looks like a great base to work from. Great that you're working through the issues and being proactive before the long trip. We really appreciate pics here. Looking forward to seeing more and hearing about your trip!

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."
    Big W
    Big W

    Number of posts : 3282
    Location : Saskatoon,Sask,Canada
    Age : 60
    Registration date : 2011-01-13

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Empty Re: New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan

    Post by Big W Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:08 am

    Welcome to VV. Nice looking van and kool history to go with it as well. Look forward to more pics and more history as you make your way to PA.

    Number of posts : 12248
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Empty Re: New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan

    Post by donivan65 Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:49 am

    ,,,,,,,,,,and they make air conditioning systems for them  there things,,,,,,,,,,,,just in case you would ever need it

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Harry_10

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Harry_11

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Harry_12

    New guy here with a 68 108 sportvan Harry_13

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