by K-Noods68 Sun May 17, 2015 6:31 pm
Ok, went out and drove the van today for the first time since 8 May 2015. Took it about a mile or two down the road, to Wal-Mart. The speed limit was 40, but I did about 35-ish, or so. Still heard the noise, which the more I listen to it, it actually sounds like a nail or key tapping an empty aluminum can. If I let off the gas completely or back off the gas a little, it gets quieter and stops. And if I rev the motor a little in neutral while I am warming up the motor, I hear a couple taps, and what I think is a slight backfire.
The sound is coming from behind the D & P seats, so I'm thinking what I will do is have my son or my dad sit in the back while I drive a few laps around the block, as it will be easier for them to pin point it, as I have to concentrate on the road. While I do this, I'm going to pull the plug on one individual cylinder at a time, maybe that will pinpoint which cylinder, as M1DADIO suggested.
I kind of want to do the simple stuff first, before I go wrenching on stuff.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions, and I'll keep you guys posted.