Everything is going to be all right: https://youtu.be/zGYYRr6DOSo
6 posters
Depressed or Stressed? Feel like you just can't go on? Here's the solution......
HandiVanMan- Number of posts : 1868
Location : Calhoun, Ga
Age : 58
Registration date : 2010-04-11
Bruce67Econoline- Number of posts : 809
Location : Charleston SC
Registration date : 2014-01-25
uhm................. Captain Crazy Pants!
m1dadio- Chevy Guru
- Number of posts : 1778
Location : north saanich
Registration date : 2008-10-06
Joe Van- Moderator 1st Class
- Number of posts : 4619
Location : Ocala fl
Registration date : 2012-10-11
1966 GMC Handivan "Panel"....1975 Chevy Van G10 "Panel"....1991 Chevy Van G20 "Conversion"
HandiVanMan- Number of posts : 1868
Location : Calhoun, Ga
Age : 58
Registration date : 2010-04-11
They can't help you work on your van like the everything is going to be alright buddy can..... He can hold your beer & tools & if you can't get bolts out or get them to start with a push of a button he can remind you that everything is going to be alright....
jimthefred- Number of posts : 326
Location : Parksley VA
Registration date : 2012-01-15
Looks like he may have impregnated it
Twinpilot001- Number of posts : 6186
Location : spokane ,Wa.
Registration date : 2009-09-28
I have a 50 cent solution to this guys problems!!
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