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    Any Powerglide Gurus out there?


    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Empty Any Powerglide Gurus out there?

    Post by Digz Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:49 pm

    I am trying to figure out what this transmission and Torque converter maybe be out of originally, I would think the tranny would be about the same as any other 2 speed , but I am wondering about the Torque converter, a friend of mine thought it may be out of a Vega ? If so, would it have to high of a stall speed for a 194/230,? there isn't an identifying number on either part that I can find, tag must be long gone.
    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Pg10
    the converter measures 12 inches under the shield
    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Tq10

    Number of posts : 242
    Location : Greenville Michigan
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Empty Re: Any Powerglide Gurus out there?

    Post by gotavan Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:15 am

    Hey Joe, thats the standard air cooled torque converter . i have another one in my 63 chevy car that I drove for several years. The corvairs also had air cooled converters , but they are different. I have a book on these here. The drag racers are buying them all up. That van also has the custom hanger..

    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Empty Re: Any Powerglide Gurus out there?

    Post by Digz Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:49 pm

    So do you think the stall would be okay for the sixes?
    I should get some good pics of that hanger they built, it's not a bad set-up, a little light on vibration isolation maybe but still an easy rig to build, was real easy to drop the tranny thru it, and could have dropped it with it in one piece. Oh another thing , In my old Motors manual, it talks about light and heavy sides of the flywheel and torque converter , try to get them lined up as close possible. Blue paint designates the light side of the torque converter ( actually think I found that) but Im not seeing the "white stripe" on the flex plate that was in the back of the van, alot of orange paint , Mad , any clues on how ya would tell what the heavy side of the crank would be?
    And thanks Dan.

    Number of posts : 242
    Location : Greenville Michigan
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Empty Re: Any Powerglide Gurus out there?

    Post by gotavan Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:01 pm

    The only air cooled powerglides I have seen were in 6 cyl. cars. I had a 63 V-8 with a powerglide and it was radiator cooled. My other 63 with the 230 six in it has the factory air cooled glide in it. It always worked great, the carrier bearing in the driveshaft went out once that was noisy!
    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Apower10
    The air cooled glides always have the big air holes cut in the bellhousing and have a air scoop on the right side.

    Number of posts : 3794
    Location : United States Six Lakes MI
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Empty Re: Any Powerglide Gurus out there?

    Post by Digz Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:24 pm

    Okay then , I'll stuff some new seals in it and stick it back in! Suspect

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    Any Powerglide Gurus out there? Empty Re: Any Powerglide Gurus out there?

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