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4 posters

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2374
    Location : Forked River, NJ USA
    Registration date : 2014-04-15

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Post by weirdbeard Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:18 pm

    I recently purchased a 1964 Ford Econoline Van with the Travel Wagon camper top. The van is in rough shape but starting restoration on Monday 4/21/14. I will try to post photos, if any one has any suggestions on helping with the top I would appreciate it. The top does not want to stay up and or go back down easily and leaks badly.

    Number of posts : 6186
    Location : spokane ,Wa.
    Registration date : 2009-09-28

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty Re: 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Post by Twinpilot001 Sun Apr 20, 2014 2:19 pm

    tops are made of a "plywood' inside =skinned with the aluminum sheet. Usually - the hinges & mounts to the top (van) will be worn or even broken from use. examine closely all areas that raise up- yet wont stay up due to bad wood inside.If this is the case  ?? u will need to remove top - carefully disassemble it & replace the  plywood. Use a marine plywood & seal it with varnish-all over then re-install the skins. I have  all 3 different types of tops here that were ever made. all are of same construction. If u want the skins nice & bright  shiny aluminum?? Id suggest  you acidize them -spray on -wash off - same as they do large trailers today=shiny-shiny -shiny. cheers  PS:= there should be a "data Plate" on pass front side - yet some have diff locations on a few tops.This is on the "TOP"  if u have let me know what sr. # u have  -- These tops were made from 1961- thru about 68. Travel equip corp- elkhardt ind. see my van in gallery when i bought it.
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2374
    Location : Forked River, NJ USA
    Registration date : 2014-04-15

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty Re: 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Post by weirdbeard Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:08 pm

    I think the side window pieces with the wood are ok and the hinges are also ok. its the top aluminum piece that is messed up. My mechanic buddy is going to look at it and I will try to find the SR # How time consuming is it to remove the top and put in new wood and put back? Like total hours?

    Number of posts : 6186
    Location : spokane ,Wa.
    Registration date : 2009-09-28

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty Re: 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Post by Twinpilot001 Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:35 am

    total hours=?? id guess maybe-2-3 removal--- 12 addl?? ++ making it shiny if u needed.

    Number of posts : 171
    Location : Strasburg, PA
    Registration date : 2012-09-23

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty Re: 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Post by bensbus Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:52 pm

    I have a TEC topped van...although it is a 1962 Corvair van.

    Here is my website- probably the most comprehensive spot on the net for these tops. I have owned all three types as well over the years. Mine has three windows per side. It also has a non-unitized frame. It is made of lots of pieces of what was originally wood- now plastic lumber- covered with aluminum flashing.

    It took us many hours to install on my van- but it was one piece at a time and the van did not originally have a top.

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Bens-b10

    Number of posts : 116
    Location : New Hampshire
    Registration date : 2010-10-14

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty Re: 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Post by MikeShums Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:56 am

    Anyone have good methods of cleaning these up while it is still on the van? Not sure I want to acid bath the top when it's on.
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2374
    Location : Forked River, NJ USA
    Registration date : 2014-04-15

    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty Re: 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

    Post by weirdbeard Mon Jun 02, 2014 10:22 am

    Yeah Soda Blast it.

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    1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon Empty Re: 1964 Ford Econoline Travel Wagon

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