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Joe Van
8 posters

    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?


    Number of posts : 1651
    Location : Anoka, MN
    Age : 54
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Scott Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:21 pm

    Before laying the hardwood floor I want to protect the metal under it from rusting.

    The floor I am laying will be hardwood attached to a plywood template I've cut. I am not putting holes in the floor, I want to put brackets on side beams to hold it down until I cover the walls. So, the floor will probably shift a little and will probably wear down some of whatever I use to coat the floor. So I don't think rubberized undercoating would be a good idea. I'm thinking maybe an epoxy based paint, or maybe truck bed liner.

    What have y'all used, or what would you recommend?


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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by mik Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:01 am

    I used rust stop in my 73. Was really thick and dried really fast. Good stuff.

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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by vanny Sat Apr 12, 2014 3:10 am

    I'm curious to hear what people have to say about this because I was also thinking I'd like to put a floor down but didn't want to put tons of screws through the floor. The bracket on the side beams idea sounds like it could work...

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."
    Joe Van
    Joe Van
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    Location : Ocala fl
    Registration date : 2012-10-11

    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Joe Van Sat Apr 12, 2014 3:48 am

    JMO ....Spray on Bed Liner will hold up the Best it holds up Great in the beds of Work Trucks and is as hard as cement and will seal the floor and help with the Heat also and the wood should not move on its textured surface.... Thats what is on my floor..!!!... Very Happy ...

    Number of posts : 3794
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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Digz Sat Apr 12, 2014 3:54 am

    I have that aerosol bedliner stuff on my wheel wells inside ,, it's pretty tough. A couple coats of that would probably do it. Seems thin but it's pretty hard.
    Joe Van
    Joe Van
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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Joe Van Sat Apr 12, 2014 4:30 am

    Digz wrote:I have that aerosol bedliner stuff on my wheel wells inside ,, it's pretty tough. A couple coats of that would probably do it. Seems thin but it's pretty hard.
                  Joe mine was done with a Spray Gun and it is about 1/16 inch thick and makes a Big difference with Road Noise also... just make sure all the metal work is done first because once it drys its there to stay....

    Number of posts : 1651
    Location : Anoka, MN
    Age : 54
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Scott Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:25 pm

    Thanks for all the suggestions..

    I think since I don't have a sprayer I will settle with a case or two of spray-on bed-liner. Maybe just lay it on thick or protection and road noise.

    I'll be sure to post some pics. as it comes along.

    Number of posts : 169
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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by BoneMan Sun Apr 13, 2014 2:39 pm


    Number of posts : 553
    Location : Warwick, RI/Ellsworth, Maine
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by fmc56 Mon Apr 14, 2014 1:45 am

    I used both Dynamat and spray bedliner. Both worked great for sound deadening, Dynamat was a little better for heat around the floor on the passenger side of the motor box.  Lizardskin also works great for sound and heat, it sprays on with an inexpensive spray gun. I have had the best results with hardwood floors by filling in the low spots with a good grade of 1/4" plywood just glued to the floor with PL-400 subfloor adhesive then installing another layer of 1/4" plywood over the entire floor, again glued with PL-400. I found that the "engineered" wood floor with the interlocking tongue and groove instead of the flat tongue and groove worked best. More stable than the MDF back laminated wood flooring and the solid 3/4" flooring, especially here in damp RI. I also glued this directly to the 1/4" plywood. This flooring is only 3/8" thick so the total thickness of the subfloor and finished floor is only 5/8".
    The one in the photos is done this way and the bed, walls and cabinets are all that are holding it down along with the PL-400. I custom machined the transition strip at the side doors.
    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Ed_smi10
    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Dsc00511
    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Dsc00410
    1/4" spacers fitted to the floor, installed after bedliner was sprayed on.
    Joe Van
    Joe Van
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    Number of posts : 4619
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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Joe Van Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:23 pm

    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Ed_smi10                                             What a AWESOME Job on that Inteior it looks Great..!!!.. Thats the Look I am going for also..(Hopefully Some Day Soon).. Smile
    Jay 13
    Jay 13

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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Jay 13 Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:02 pm

    wow!!!! looks great
    Jay 13
    Jay 13

    Number of posts : 155
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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by Jay 13 Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:05 pm

    I see you used the bead board on the bottom of the walls and was wondering what the top section of the walls is made of.

    Number of posts : 553
    Location : Warwick, RI/Ellsworth, Maine
    Registration date : 2008-05-20

    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

    Post by fmc56 Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:18 am

    Jay 13 wrote:I see you used the bead board on the bottom of the walls and was wondering what the top section of the walls is made of.
    The top section is 1/8" luan plywood covered in a very heavy textured wallpaper that looks like plaster. Got it at Lowes.

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    Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood? Empty Re: Seal the metal floor before laying the hardwood?

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