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    1969 GMC Van


    Number of posts : 2
    Location : Saskatchewan
    Registration date : 2014-03-18

    1969 GMC Van Empty 1969 GMC Van

    Post by Tish Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:45 pm

    Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join  Very Happy  I am hoping you could give me an idea on what I should ask for this van. My boyfriend passed away in August and I am starting to look at selling some of his project vehicles. The van was driving in 2004 and was trailered out to Sk and has sat parked for the last 10 yrs or so. I had someone stop who is very interested in it, he looked for rust in the corners, floorboards etc and found none, he said it was very solid. He is asking me for a price. He said he would be replacing the motor and transmission anyways, and painting. So if anyone has any ideas I would appreciate your opinions, have a great day       1969 GMC Van <a href=1969 GMC Van Img_0111" />

    Last edited by Tish on Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : sp)
    Big W
    Big W

    Number of posts : 3282
    Location : Saskatoon,Sask,Canada
    Age : 60
    Registration date : 2011-01-13

    1969 GMC Van Empty Re: 1969 GMC Van

    Post by Big W Sat Mar 22, 2014 2:49 pm

    Sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure someone with better knowledge of what you should ask for it will chime in. Looks like a great van.

    Number of posts : 2
    Location : Saskatchewan
    Registration date : 2014-03-18

    1969 GMC Van Empty Re: 1969 GMC Van

    Post by Tish Sat Mar 22, 2014 3:30 pm

    Thanks Big W

    Number of posts : 361
    Location : Smell-A, CA
    Registration date : 2011-10-11

    1969 GMC Van Empty Re: 1969 GMC Van

    Post by Xelmon Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:08 pm

    Huh, been a whole week since topic was started.

    Ach, sorry to hear about your loss. =\

    No rust is good, very good considering you are in Sk.
    On the other hand the rough paint and minor body repair is not exactly great.
    Vanner-to-vanner the "non-running" is not a factor usually, especially in this case.

    At this time my only question is does it have 5 or 6 bolts on the wheel? 5 bolts is the standard 1/2 ton, 6 bolts is the rarer 3/4 ton van.

    It really depends on your luck.
    Low end is 750, sweet spot is about 1000, and about 1250 if you have a paying buyer. OTOH, if you try 1500 and the guy says "Sold!", don't think twice.

    Good luck!

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