This meet is hosted by the portland econoline club. Its been going on 12 years now.
The event is from 10am to 2pm tomorrow June 23rd. Sorry for the late notice.
The event will be in the parking lot of Les Schwab tires
2410 SE 122nd Ave
Portland, OR 97233
Last year there were about 40 early vans there. I'm rolling down in a caravan from Tacoma with a couple guys from my local club tomorrow morning. email me if you'd like to roll with us!
This meet is hosted by the portland econoline club. Its been going on 12 years now.
The event is from 10am to 2pm tomorrow June 23rd. Sorry for the late notice.
The event will be in the parking lot of Les Schwab tires
2410 SE 122nd Ave
Portland, OR 97233
Last year there were about 40 early vans there. I'm rolling down in a caravan from Tacoma with a couple guys from my local club tomorrow morning. email me if you'd like to roll with us!