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    Vintage Corvair(ish) cartoonish camper van scenes


    Number of posts : 171
    Location : Strasburg, PA
    Registration date : 2012-09-23

    Vintage Corvair(ish) cartoonish camper van scenes Empty Vintage Corvair(ish) cartoonish camper van scenes

    Post by bensbus Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:06 pm

    Here are two really awesome cartoon drawings from one of Dad's vintage camping magazines. Both are from early '61- and both depict a stylized version of the Corvair Greenbrier van...though it is not blatantly written out.


    Vintage Corvair(ish) cartoonish camper van scenes Greenb10

    Vintage Corvair(ish) cartoonish camper van scenes Greenb11

    bugeye bob
    bugeye bob

    Number of posts : 383
    Location : atlanta georgia
    Age : 68
    Registration date : 2009-02-02

    Vintage Corvair(ish) cartoonish camper van scenes Empty Re: Vintage Corvair(ish) cartoonish camper van scenes

    Post by bugeye bob Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:27 pm

    those are cool, years ago i found a fixer up corvair van for about $500. by the time i scaped up enough dollars i was in time to see the new owner loading it onto a flatbed. all the pre-70's vans our cool and corvairs especially the campers are at top of list. oh and when you find one restored at top of the $$$ chain.

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 6:28 pm