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2 posters

    WA state vanners... lets go camping! OR and BC vanners too


    Number of posts : 1533
    Location : Helendale, CA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2009-05-22

    WA state vanners... lets go camping!  OR and BC vanners too Empty WA state vanners... lets go camping! OR and BC vanners too

    Post by kookykrispy Mon May 28, 2012 5:57 am

    Next weekend, June 1-3 is a van campout over in Yakima. I'm planning on going with a few other local venners. It is hosted by Poison Ivy vans out of Yakima. I'm cross-posting in hopes that I can recruit some other Northwest vanners to go to this!

    WA state members... lets hook up and party! cheers

    OR and BC members... come on up or down for this one!

    WA state vanners... lets go camping!  OR and BC vanners too Empty Re: WA state vanners... lets go camping! OR and BC vanners too

    Post by Guest Mon May 28, 2012 7:27 am

    I wish I was closer. It sounds like a blast.

    Number of posts : 672
    Location : Lewiston, Id
    Registration date : 2008-06-01

    WA state vanners... lets go camping!  OR and BC vanners too Empty Re: WA state vanners... lets go camping! OR and BC vanners too

    Post by texasjohn Thu May 31, 2012 2:30 pm

    its in the plans to at least drive in for one day, but have alot to do still to get ready. its only a few hours from me. And we have a car show in palouse washington saturday that were gonna have at least 2 vans in. hope to make it

    Number of posts : 1533
    Location : Helendale, CA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2009-05-22

    WA state vanners... lets go camping!  OR and BC vanners too Empty Re: WA state vanners... lets go camping! OR and BC vanners too

    Post by kookykrispy Thu May 31, 2012 7:10 pm

    Really hope you can make it John!

    Number of posts : 672
    Location : Lewiston, Id
    Registration date : 2008-06-01

    WA state vanners... lets go camping!  OR and BC vanners too Empty Re: WA state vanners... lets go camping! OR and BC vanners too

    Post by texasjohn Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:15 pm

    didnt make it . the 170 is a little week for mountian climbing, but did hit the palouse car show with 2 of our vans, pics to, how was the campout

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    WA state vanners... lets go camping!  OR and BC vanners too Empty Re: WA state vanners... lets go camping! OR and BC vanners too

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