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    bike guys on here ..??..


    Number of posts : 590
    Location : louisville ky
    Registration date : 2010-11-06

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty bike guys on here ..??..

    Post by ditdater Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:55 pm

    i just noticed they might be some bicycle guys on here . my son and i got into restoring krates , and the shows /swap meets . ann arbor , memory lane , kratefest , pana ill. had some fun times between 2003 andabout 2006 .
    actually won ann arbor in 2003 , 04, 06
    yep , its coming up this weekend too ,miss that trip and good people .
    actually bike won in 03 was all 1971 , had people freakin because i didnt rebuild it back as the ghost.

    Number of posts : 1868
    Location : Calhoun, Ga
    Age : 58
    Registration date : 2010-04-11

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty Re: bike guys on here ..??..

    Post by HandiVanMan Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:06 pm

    Sweet looking bike Danny!!! We used to build our bikes from junk bikes that no one wanted anymore when me and my nephews were kids. I had a friend that was into building choppers & all kind of wierd bikes. He mounted car steering wheels on some of them.

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty Re: bike guys on here ..??..

    Post by Guest Tue Apr 24, 2012 6:10 pm

    Nice looking Krate!! I have a couple of front sprockets for one of those, 52? teeth I think.
    I drove a Sting-Ray back in the day, way back in the day... I'd like to find one to restore but they are hard to find and it's not like I don't have enough projects. If I do find one for the right price though..... Very Happy My wife and I are into garage sales so you never know.

    Number of posts : 1383
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    Post by BILLS66 Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:02 pm

    Thats cool I had a new krate pea picker when I was a kid . Bill

    Number of posts : 590
    Location : louisville ky
    Registration date : 2010-11-06

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty even bikes aint cheap

    Post by ditdater Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:10 pm

    Growing up I never could afford a schwinn,and in my neighborhood ,only 2 types of kids had a krate , (the one w/ a well to do relative , or the bully who stole it from him ), but when my son got an eye for them at 12 13 yrs old , dude i ran w/it ,and we started rebuilding them to show . all from rough originals , had frames blasted , and friend at body shop shot em . john cecil do the seats , and lucky enough to have bob snyder living in lou. to get nice nos quality pieces .
    but yeah even with a 68-73 frame , its nothing to drop 1200 to rebuild a decent looker . and will always turn on a dime if i spot a old one , for sale or not , never know what you might get it for .
    got a few pics of blue moon bike shop , had a blast visisting his shop , during a couple of kratefests in sycamore ill.
    my best build is my worst regret selling . a pair of 1970 5 speeds ,(one fenderless ,the other as krate black satin w/ gray primer fenders w/ custom hinged swing frames (like the old swing bike ) but these looked real close to stock stingray . painted up satin black w/ red/white 70s style pin stripes.
    i still send email ,when i get extra money to buy back at profit . but they are in a very large collection in mich . to a guy that works for Rouch Racing . maybe one day i/ll get a crack at em .

    Number of posts : 590
    Location : louisville ky
    Registration date : 2010-11-06

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty couple more

    Post by ditdater Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:30 pm

    Photobucketrc="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">


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    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty Re: bike guys on here ..??..

    Post by Rayallen Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:42 pm

    I am a huge fan of vintage bikes. I currently have a 1970s AMF Texas ranger and my wife a 70s Columbia. When I get the van to a good point and have some extra cash I plan on buying a prewar Elgin or Hawthorne.
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    Post by dix Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:27 pm

    We use to cut the tube forks off a doner bike and hammer them on the end of the bike we had so we could have a chopper like easy rider

    still vannin since 1974

    Number of posts : 1868
    Location : Calhoun, Ga
    Age : 58
    Registration date : 2010-04-11

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty Re: bike guys on here ..??..

    Post by HandiVanMan Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:00 pm

    dix wrote: We use to cut the tube forks off a doner bike and hammer them on the end of the bike we had so we could have a chopper like easy rider

    We did that to. We would put a couple of sets on sometimes for a longer rake. I remember them good old days every time I see a old junk bicycle.

    Number of posts : 1731
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-01

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty Re: bike guys on here ..??..

    Post by Admin Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:46 pm

    I love bikes! Ever since I taught myself to ride one (on a neighbor's) when I was barely 5. Then I rode my dad's bike, which was WAY too big for me, so I would stand under the bar to pedal it (how I did that to this day I will never know, but the bike always leaned LOL)... for Christams that year I got my own! All I can tell you is that it was a blue/green and I have no idea what make it was...

    As I grew up, and didn't have a bike, I would fix up some of the ugliest ones you'd ever seen given to me so they were ridable... Until they "died"... I remember having a little bike, with "easy rider" handle bars, a banana seat but no brakes that I rode EVERYWHERE in Huntington Beach! If I needed to stop, I would put my feet down like Fred Flintstone LOL This was around 8th grade, and I had no fear... There was a grade on Golden West, as I remember it, which was a great hill to coast down, you could almost go as fast as a car Smile but it was a bugger going back up...

    Helmets? not for me, never... but remember, I'm kinda old LOL!

    Then I started driving... But the years went on and I missed having a bike... No I am not the bike rider I once was, but I still enjoy it... I got a 10 speed some years back, it was new, but it wasn't as good as that little bike I had with no brakes and gave it away... Some bikes suit you, others do not... 10 speeds are not for me, they look cool, but....

    So now I have my current bike... yes it's a little dusty, but it's there, waiting for me when the urge hits again, and it will!

    A 6 speed Schwinn Cruiser I love you fitted with a rack on the back (so I can bungee "supplies" should I use it fur a run to the store while camping, which I have) and a "Springer" attachment (so I can attach my dog with the set-up after I harness him/her, which I have also done) If I ever get a little extra $$ I need to take it in and have the grip-shifter replaced (it cracked)... but I can still get 3 or 4 gears and that's good for me!

    Right now it sits on a "trainer" in my house waiting to be rode.. Inside or outside... It's there... Just waiting for me....

    Number of posts : 590
    Location : louisville ky
    Registration date : 2010-11-06

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty extra pair of front forks for chopper look

    Post by ditdater Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:56 pm

    taking a brick and hammering the extra set on was one thing ,and if you were close to a welder , having the extra pair (or pairs)of forks spot welded on made it better than doing a willie and coming down w/ no front tire or forks, which i experienced .

    Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.


    Number of posts : 242
    Location : Greenville Michigan
    Registration date : 2008-05-17

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    Post by gotavan Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:55 pm

    Yes I have some bicycles, I spent the weekend at Ann Arbor again selling. I never got in any of the buildings this year. I was too busy selling junk and talking vans with lots of folks. There are some pictures of my drag slick bike in last years photos. I didn't have an ice scraper with me so I had to drive into the lots with my head out the window locomotive style. It was pretty cold in the old van Sat. nite.
    bike guys on here ..??.. Pairofgmc
    pair of GMC's the new one got totaled last year.
    Space Truckin
    Space Truckin

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    Post by Space Truckin Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:07 pm

    Have a Shelby Airflo , Schwinn Autocycle and a few Black Phantoms , I believe it is just like our Vans they have "Soul" , when working with them you can feel the history . God Bless America when we actually built things instead of spitting it out of a plastic injection mold machine .

    Number of posts : 590
    Location : louisville ky
    Registration date : 2010-11-06

    bike guys on here ..??.. Empty AMEN BROTHER !

    Post by ditdater Mon Apr 30, 2012 4:13 pm

    Yeah ,
    I would have liked to make it last weekend , maybe think about Kratefest at Bluemoon , if he still has it goin on in june . \STILL INTERESTED IN 60S STINGRAYS 5 SPEED BIKE IF ANYONE HAS ONE TUCKED AWAY IN THE CELLAR OR DEEP IN THE GARAGE .

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