I love bikes! Ever since I taught myself to ride one (on a neighbor's) when I was barely 5. Then I rode my dad's bike, which was WAY too big for me, so I would stand under the bar to pedal it (how I did that to this day I will never know, but the bike always leaned LOL)... for Christams that year I got my own! All I can tell you is that it was a blue/green and I have no idea what make it was...
As I grew up, and didn't have a bike, I would fix up some of the ugliest ones you'd ever seen given to me so they were ridable... Until they "died"... I remember having a little bike, with "easy rider" handle bars, a banana seat but no brakes that I rode EVERYWHERE in Huntington Beach! If I needed to stop, I would put my feet down like Fred Flintstone LOL This was around 8th grade, and I had no fear... There was a grade on Golden West, as I remember it, which was a great hill to coast down, you could almost go as fast as a car
but it was a bugger going back up...
Helmets? not for me, never... but remember, I'm kinda old LOL!
Then I started driving... But the years went on and I missed having a bike... No I am not the bike rider I once was, but I still enjoy it... I got a 10 speed some years back, it was new, but it wasn't as good as that little bike I had with no brakes and gave it away... Some bikes suit you, others do not... 10 speeds are not for me, they look cool, but....
So now I have my current bike... yes it's a little dusty, but it's there, waiting for me when the urge hits again, and it will!
A 6 speed Schwinn Cruiser
fitted with a rack on the back (so I can bungee "supplies" should I use it fur a run to the store while camping, which I have) and a "Springer" attachment (so I can attach my dog with the set-up after I harness him/her, which I have also done) If I ever get a little extra $$ I need to take it in and have the grip-shifter replaced (it cracked)... but I can still get 3 or 4 gears and that's good for me!
Right now it sits on a "trainer" in my house waiting to be rode.. Inside or outside... It's there... Just waiting for me....