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    searching a craigslist ad.....


    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by Guest Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:57 pm

    hey to all, i saw the other day, someone post a van ad from craigslist, it was a blue 1968 a-100,if i remember well, it was from Georgia,asking price was 2200$, my wife flashed on it,so mayby...if anyone could tell me what post it was....thanks

    Number of posts : 1868
    Location : Calhoun, Ga
    Age : 58
    Registration date : 2010-04-11

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by HandiVanMan Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:20 pm

    It was on Craigslist Atlanta for sale. I looked on there and couldn't find again so it might be sold. You can look in the forums for a vans for sale and find the link.
    bugeye bob
    bugeye bob

    Number of posts : 383
    Location : atlanta georgia
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    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by bugeye bob Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:25 pm

    2corrosive that van had been on there for a couple weeks it was in one of the mountain communities north of atlanta, i checked several areas listed on craigslist and i guess it must have sold. it sure did look in great shape.

    Number of posts : 1868
    Location : Calhoun, Ga
    Age : 58
    Registration date : 2010-04-11

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by HandiVanMan Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:31 pm

    Update I just found the post on Craigslist NW Ga. It is still for sale. You can find the link to the ad in the forums a vans for sale. It is listed as a 1968 dodge.

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:41 am

    i just went to see it and send an email, WE really apreciate guys, my wife is all happy and smiling, she really flashed on that van,she kept asking for it, the color is her color and automatic......she told me to thank you all, that made her Christmas, me i woud love to go see it in the chrismas time(i would avoid the inlaws reunion Twisted Evil).....

    Number of posts : 1868
    Location : Calhoun, Ga
    Age : 58
    Registration date : 2010-04-11

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by HandiVanMan Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:03 am

    Good luck , I hope that you get to purchase it.

    Number of posts : 957
    Location : GA
    Age : 55
    Registration date : 2010-07-29

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by slowflapper Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:28 am

    Hey, looks like Larazus already looked that van over and it was a rust bucket.

    Here's the link to the for sale thread:

    Here's his comment:
    Guys, I looked at this van (in photos) right before purchasing my G-Van. I sent photos to a local body shop guy and this van has ALOT of rust that he said would take a lot of money to fix. Rod, you looked at this at the time as well. I love the look of the van and the sunroof, but it's now been for sale for a while. Look closely and you can spot the rust and paint over patch work.

    I know there was rust in the door steps, both lower central body panels, and rear corners near the tail lights. Again, cool van, but not remotely rust free.

    Also, the guy selling it is a middle man for the owners. The owners said it came from New York and was driven down at the time, so it's likely reliable.

    Found the previous thread with additional photos:

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 11:45 am

    thanks slowflapper, i just answered lazarus with a pm,i saw the pict, the sunroof, and the big cut in the dash is a real turn off, i will ask for further picts of underneath, but if mecanicaly sound, i'm still looking at it...thanks for the help

    Number of posts : 1868
    Location : Calhoun, Ga
    Age : 58
    Registration date : 2010-04-11

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by HandiVanMan Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:29 pm

    At $2,200 if it is a rust bucket I wouldn't even waste my time even if it was mechanically sound! Keep checking the forums and you can find much better for that price. Even if it needs paint. The paint on that one is not worth nothing if they just bondo'd over the rust. If you are in Canada it would cost you as much as you payed for it or more to have it delivered to you.

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 20, 2011 7:30 pm

    point takin, will look the "van for sale"...thanks

    Number of posts : 957
    Location : GA
    Age : 55
    Registration date : 2010-07-29

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by slowflapper Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:44 am

    2corrosive4u wrote:point takin, will look the "van for sale"...thanks

    Tell your wife to hang in there, I had to talk mine out of buying a van that she really wanted last year... mainly for rust issues. Turns out the new owner has put a motor in it since then so I made a good decision there. The vans are out there, you've just got to hunt for the right one Smile

    Number of posts : 1868
    Location : Calhoun, Ga
    Age : 58
    Registration date : 2010-04-11

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by HandiVanMan Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:56 am

    Most of the time it is better to buy one that is already finished. You can get one a whole lot cheaper from someone that has finished one and needs the money. Just keep on looking and you will find one in time. Like slowflapper said the right one is out there. Just keep searching and you will find it.

    searching a craigslist ad..... Empty Re: searching a craigslist ad.....

    Post by Guest Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:35 pm

    anyway, probably sold, i've sent 2 emails, and no answer,

    i 'm looking at a "G" one near Montreal, but its not automatic and its been siting there for years, so lots of work and money, not for my lady but mayby an other toy for me, i think it would be alot cheaper to show her the 3 on 3 shifting on my "A",and thats not done........... affraid

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