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    so you want to join yahoo???


    Number of posts : 1148
    Location : prince edward island canada
    Age : 66
    Registration date : 2008-05-29

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by jkr Sat Oct 04, 2008 5:47 pm

    Friday, October 3, 2008 11:42 AM
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    don't know why but i feel welcome here and enjoy THIS SITE MORE. JEFF R

    Number of posts : 5155
    Location : Hesperia Cal
    Registration date : 2008-05-02

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by Vanish Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:20 pm

    To Me anyway That what's Cool about this site.... all Early Owners are welcome... and also Future Early owners as well...... There's a lot of People that Belong to BRAND SPECIFIC SITE AND THAT'S COOL AS WELL ..... I BELONG TO ONE MY SELF..... But I like them all...... and this site Gives me a Look at all of them........ And that's what I like .......... Hell There ALL NOT THAT MUCH DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER........ it's all about THE VAN !!!!!!!! OR VAN-UP............


    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:49 pm

    Ya, I'm really sorry but the whole Yahoo thing sucks bigtime! To hell with them....

    I wasn't too sure about this multi-brand site either, but sometimes I venture into Chevy land and learn a lot....and I learn that we're all the same! It's really quite cool, and I'm so glad I found this place too. Thanks!

    Number of posts : 1605
    Location : Chicago, IL
    Registration date : 2008-07-03

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by itruns Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:55 pm

    Jeff, that makes me feel uncomfortable, sad and upset. As I've said before, both sites have their strengths and disadvantages. That site's strengths are its eight year old archive and its large membership of people just as devoted to our vans and van-ups as you, embro, and lostwire. For you guys to be locked-out of that site for whatever reason and not be able to share in their knowledge and experience is very unsettling.

    I do know that Ter' made a very gracious welcoming comment on the old forum here as well as posting some very insightful advice. Tim also posted Ter's e-mail address in the new forum recently so that if there was a glitch obtaining membership he could rectify it for you. As G-Man will attest to Ter' is good people.

    I really appreciate you, Chebby, Donivan, G-Man, Nate, Hemi, Embro, Taz, Dodgevanman, Corey, Vanishing Breed, and the all many others here for making this a site well worth visiting as well as helping keep these babies on the road and looking good. I hope you guys stick around here a long time and keep this vannin' thing alive.

    Number of posts : 30743
    Location : Fowlerville, MI
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2008-05-06

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by G-Man Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:39 pm

    I'm not trying to steer you away from this site, but I think you should contact Terry and see what the problem why so many are turned away. I have to believe it has more to do with the yahoo site set up and the members. Any and all infor learned there will only help you and maybe other members here also.

    Number of posts : 5155
    Location : Hesperia Cal
    Registration date : 2008-05-02

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by Vanish Sat Oct 04, 2008 8:04 pm

    Just to Make sure What I have said isn't Misunderstood !@!! Ter is A GREAT GUY AND HAS ONE HELL OF A WEB SITE !!! He has come over here and Help us out many times on this Board and our Old one !!!! Maybe you should contact Him to see whats up !!!!!!!! Wink


    Number of posts : 1135
    Location : the land of broken dreams and shattered hopes CT
    Registration date : 2008-07-05

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by benwah Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:56 pm

    im at yahoo land as well its ok i dont snub my nose at chevy and ford earlys, i love all of them just my hearts into mopar. my first early was allmost an econoline. i like the way this site is set up. the for sale area is cool -yahoo doesnt do that . sometimes theres one under your nose you dont know about. a lot of great idias swimming around here. good insperation i guess. some day i hope to find a cabover jeep pickup! hats off to all of you who put this site together job well done!

    Number of posts : 1148
    Location : prince edward island canada
    Age : 66
    Registration date : 2008-05-29

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by jkr Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:43 pm

    well my big mouth has gotten me in trouble before so....... no difference today.............. i can't understand why a "group", is activly searching for members to join, but weed out the one that "don't fit" the mould. not a problem to me at all, but if you want to get stronger, get more input. i mean the world is as big as a keyboard now and theres a lot to draw from. those that stay the course, and can't seem to realize theres strength in numbers will become the weaker and fall well behind. sometimes this theroy can cause wars to break out but were talking 40 year old vans and trucks here not global thermo nuclear war. i was only interested in joining to get, and give, a bit of info, and possibly buy and sell a few parts.but its all good ,i like it here and hope those in here are like me and enjoy the views and opnions of all the others and can learn something from each other.the only censored items should be ones that are slanderous and derogatory.a wise man said " a day that goes by, you have learned nothing from is a wasted day indeed". IF YOU TRAVEL THIS SITE YOU WILL LEARN SOMETHING EVERY DAY and to all the administration my hats off the old bald bean and thanks for being here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the way this site is run and set up is just great and a big thanks to all who run and maintain it .as the membership grows so does the work of updating and maintaince protection of the system and all that stuff. it can and sometimes does become a full time job not a pastime anymore.........JEFF R

    Number of posts : 1605
    Location : Chicago, IL
    Registration date : 2008-07-03

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by itruns Sun Oct 05, 2008 7:08 pm

    Jeff, Here is the page where Tim posted Ter's post on September 17, 2008

    Ter's email is

    I feel it's beneficial that this topic is brought up so there is hope that future applicants and others will know what's going on and what can be done to correct the situation.

    I had a few hick-ups trying to join and was about to throw my hands up in air and say screw-it. It was very unclear as to how to modify your profile, but I finally got there and threw in the kitchen sink. Everything has been cool since and I've learned a lot, like how the driver's side tie rod end hasn't been produced for over ten years, how to lube and adjust the steering box, etc.

    It was way cool how I found Taz's van show announcement here, flipped it to the Yahoo group, and low and behold FOUR As showed up at the meet here in the Chicago area. At that meet we all learned a LOT, and not just about Mopars. It's a lot different when you're face to face and you can examine things up close.

    All I'm trying to say is that in the last few months I've learned a lot there and I've learned a lot here. Neither side is any greener, but both sites compliment each other very nicely. It upsets me that there are people out there trying to find answers to their van's problems and can't get access to over 25,000 questions and answers from well over 400 people, some who have worked on these vans for the last 40 years.

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:43 am

    Ter has it set up so that you must include your name, city, and state in your Yahoo profile. A few years back he changed the parameters because we were getting a lot of spam on the Yahoo site.

    I really don't visit the Yahoo group anymore...not much action really. Nothing against the folks over there.

    so you want to join yahoo??? Empty Re: so you want to join yahoo???

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:26 pm

    I did eventually get in. I had my name and city in my profile, but I guess I had in the wrong place. There are multiple places to input it. I that's the problem over at the Yahoo site.

    I'm not bashing the Yahoo Group, just Yahoo itself. It's old technology. Flat style messages, emails really.

    A discussion board like this is much more condusive to reading, posting to, searching through and enjoying. It's the way any decent group or club communicates lists are slowly vanishing.

    So that's why I'm here, not there.

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