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2 posters

    Sway Bar kit?


    Number of posts : 68
    Location : Vancouver, BC
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Sway Bar kit? Empty Sway Bar kit?

    Post by SIN BIN Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:55 pm

    Hey guys!

    I'm looking for a sway bar kit (end links & bushings) for my 66.

    Any ideas, thoughts, leads?

    Thanks in advance Cool
    67a 100 pickup
    67a 100 pickup

    Number of posts : 1319
    Location : ann arbor, mi
    Registration date : 2009-01-29

    Sway Bar kit? Empty Re: Sway Bar kit?

    Post by 67a 100 pickup Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:58 pm

    I was talking to the guy next to me at Baker's this year and he made some by using his old shocks. He drilled the shock to drain the oil and then cut them open the reveal the piston, then cut them to length and threaded them. If you suspect that the shock you are using is a gas shock be VERY carefull when you drill it. The bushings you will have to match up at the parts store from a newer sway bar link kit.

    Number of posts : 68
    Location : Vancouver, BC
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Sway Bar kit? Empty Re: Sway Bar kit?

    Post by SIN BIN Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:42 pm

    I may have found a suitable replacement for the factory swaybar links! I'm going to look at them tomorrow, so I will keep you guys posted if they work out so I can share the info with everyone. ;-)

    Oh and I also have a "newish" tail light mod to show anyone who is interested. Pics to come...
    67a 100 pickup
    67a 100 pickup

    Number of posts : 1319
    Location : ann arbor, mi
    Registration date : 2009-01-29

    Sway Bar kit? Empty Re: Sway Bar kit?

    Post by 67a 100 pickup Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:43 pm

    COOL... interested in both, I have a link that is broke also, but have not gotten to that point yet so it has been on hold and looking also.

    Number of posts : 68
    Location : Vancouver, BC
    Registration date : 2010-07-05

    Sway Bar kit? Empty Re: Sway Bar kit?

    Post by SIN BIN Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:16 pm

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    Sway Bar kit? Empty Re: Sway Bar kit?

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