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2 posters

    '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow


    Number of posts : 698
    Location : Chula Vista, Ca.
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2015-12-08

    '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow Empty '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow

    Post by Russell Mon Jun 20, 2022 6:30 am

    I saw this '64 on S&R towing auction in Oceanside Ca. tomorrow. 6-21-2022
    '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow 00310

    savage likes this post

    Camaro Addict
    Camaro Addict

    Number of posts : 250
    Location : Hesperia, Ca
    Registration date : 2012-07-08

    '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow Empty Re: '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow

    Post by Camaro Addict Tue Jun 21, 2022 9:48 pm

    I hope someone went and bought the van

    Number of posts : 698
    Location : Chula Vista, Ca.
    Age : 64
    Registration date : 2015-12-08

    '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow Empty Re: '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow

    Post by Russell Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:58 am

    It went to Pick your part in Oceanside.
    Camaro Addict
    Camaro Addict

    Number of posts : 250
    Location : Hesperia, Ca
    Registration date : 2012-07-08

    '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow Empty Re: '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow

    Post by Camaro Addict Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:36 pm

    I saw that and it sucks. I doubt I'd have been able to part the van out if I had been able to get her and my 66 chevy g10 has lots of extra parts when I get to work on her and that van is too far from me to check out. I only need rear solid panel doors for my 66 as her rear doors have windows. It's sad that a member didn't buy the van even if they parted her out someone could have saved every single piece including body panels for theirs elf or other people in the future

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    '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow Empty Re: '64? at auction, Oceanside Ca. 6-21-2022 tomorrow

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