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    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?


    Number of posts : 45
    Location : Annapolis, MD
    Age : 42
    Registration date : 2019-05-11

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by MDVANMAN Sun Dec 19, 2021 1:37 pm

    Hi Everyone,

    I posted on here years ago about a 4x4 conversion project that for various reasons stalled for a long time. I'm back at it and need to build a new doghouse/engine cover from basically scratch.

    Anybody with a 2nd gen Chevy mind measuring the height of the "shelf" on the doghouse where the seat bolts down? My van is not on level ground which is a bummer so having this measurement will help end up with a level seat while cruising! Looking for the distance between the floor and the mounting surface for the inboard side of the driver's seat. If I'm correct both sides are the same. My van has the same style seat on both sides, not the removable jump seat.

    Thanks in advance, and happy wrenching everyone!

    Number of posts : 2632
    Location : Where Rust Never Sleeps in Ft Wayne IN
    Registration date : 2008-05-15

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Re: Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by savage Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:02 am

    Sorry I was going to go out & check when you posted it(forgot)
    But did go out today
    I got 11 & 1/2 from top of floor to where  seat mounts
    This is on 2nd gen. Hope it helps (better late than never Surprised )

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    Number of posts : 45
    Location : Annapolis, MD
    Age : 42
    Registration date : 2019-05-11

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Re: Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by MDVANMAN Mon Dec 27, 2021 9:41 am

    Thanks Savage!! If the weather holds out I will be back on this part of the project soon. Have a great New Years!

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    Number of posts : 2632
    Location : Where Rust Never Sleeps in Ft Wayne IN
    Registration date : 2008-05-15

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Re: Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by savage Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:55 am

    If need anything else just ask
    How about some pics of your van project?
    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Img_0639
    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Img_0640
    Here some of my  G-20 108
    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Img_0641
    This is what it looked like when it came from CA

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    Number of posts : 45
    Location : Annapolis, MD
    Age : 42
    Registration date : 2019-05-11

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Re: Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by MDVANMAN Mon Dec 27, 2021 11:39 am

    Here's one of the interior after I cut out the doghouse and another from a long time ago right after the body was put on the 4x4 chassis (1987 k-10, shortened) and I tried some nice wheels and tires I had to see what it would look like:

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Doghou10
    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Vansid10

    I'll see if I can get a few more to upload so you can have a look.  Your G-20 looks great by the way.  Great job going from the before pic to now!!

    Pretty sure that mine will end up white too (or at least a majority white) when I get to painting.  Also jealous that yo have a 108 - that extra 18" would have solved SO MANY driveline angle problems!!!

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    Number of posts : 45
    Location : Annapolis, MD
    Age : 42
    Registration date : 2019-05-11

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Re: Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by MDVANMAN Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:12 pm

    This is what it looked like when I got it back from my friend who shortened the k-10 frame and married the van body to it.  Aside from some different tires and wheels it still looks the same on the outside! (dirtier, and some more surface rust but pretty much the same...)

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Image_10

    Number of posts : 765
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    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Re: Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by AzDon Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:17 pm

    I'd recommend making those doghouse side steps no taller than the wheel wells if you can because seat pad height is an issue in these vans...

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    Number of posts : 45
    Location : Annapolis, MD
    Age : 42
    Registration date : 2019-05-11

    Can anybody help me out with a measurement?  Empty Re: Can anybody help me out with a measurement?

    Post by MDVANMAN Mon Dec 27, 2021 6:09 pm

    Hi Don,... good call! I hope that with Savage's measurement and a bit of eyeballing and mocking up the seat will remain at factory height. Then just need to make sure the new seat foams aren't too thick. Does anyone offer direct fit replacement seat vinyl?

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