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    Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild


    Number of posts : 11
    Location : Raytown, MO
    Age : 59
    Registration date : 2020-09-12

    Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild Empty Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild

    Post by falconfp2001 Mon Sep 28, 2020 3:46 pm

    Started pulling the passenger side rear brakes apart the other day but decided I would also pull out the Master Cylinder today. I got some really good rust remover and inhibitor. It's called Krud Kutter
    Worked great on some of the parts but some just disintegrated.
    Kind of amazing stuff. Even though this stuff is fantastic. I'm replacing most of the Rear drum parts.
    Not the drum. It looks good but the backing plate is so rusty. I have to sand smooth the pads where the shoes rest. There are very pitted. Then I'm going to use Corrosealon the front and back of the plate. The Cylinder didn't want to come off and one of the hard lines had a leak so I'm replacing the rear lines and cylinders. I'm thinking of replacing the parking break cables from the equalizing arm to the brakes because they seem to be rusted in the tubes. Probably safer to replace. I found some interesting stuff on the belly pan before I was able to pull the MC.

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild Empty Re: Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild

    Post by vanny Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:02 pm

    Interesting stuff on the belly pan? Please tell us more... you’ve got me hooked, reel me in...gotta know what was on the belly pan???

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

    Number of posts : 691
    Location : Cashion, OK
    Age : 63
    Registration date : 2016-01-01

    Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild Empty Re: Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild

    Post by jrdunn96 Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:45 pm

    Raytown, MO huh? If we're starting a pool (gambling), I want Opossum, Opossum parts and/or nest.
    Just kidding,

    falconfp2001 likes this post


    Number of posts : 21
    Location : Philadelphia, PA
    Registration date : 2018-11-20

    Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild Empty Re: Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild

    Post by gunther911 Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:06 pm

    Bruins Brakes on eBay now makes the rear parking brake cables for the 65-67. I sent him drawing and they worked perfect. If not listed on eBay yet send him message.

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
    Registration date : 2012-09-22

    Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild Empty Re: Brakes and Master Cylinder rebuild

    Post by vanny Tue Sep 29, 2020 2:57 pm

    At-A-Boy Gunther! Nice to have options available for these vans! cheers cheers cheers

    “The future will soon be a thing of the past."

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