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    Guess the Cost to Recore a Radiator?


    Number of posts : 36
    Location : Rockaway Beach, New York
    Registration date : 2018-06-04

    Guess the Cost to Recore a Radiator? Empty Guess the Cost to Recore a Radiator?

    Post by Trainmaster Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:33 pm

    How 'bout $560 on Long Island? That's for a three-row on a '67 pickup.

    Damn! I must be getting old or copper's a precious metal now. I remember scoffing at $150.

    That's the price I pay to keep things original I guess. But I've had heater cores that were bigger than this thing!

    Number of posts : 313
    Location : Seattle, WA
    Registration date : 2010-12-29

    Guess the Cost to Recore a Radiator? Empty Re: Guess the Cost to Recore a Radiator?

    Post by Murdock Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:59 pm

    Crazy and I am surprised you found a place to still get a recore done. I gave up and bought a nice aluminum radiator for less $$. Not original but works great
    Dan Scully
    Dan Scully

    Number of posts : 255
    Location : Apple Valley Ca
    Age : 67
    Registration date : 2016-07-30

    Guess the Cost to Recore a Radiator? Empty Guess the Cost to Recore a Radiator?

    Post by Dan Scully Tue Aug 11, 2020 8:14 am

    Had a local shop just do one for my 65 Old's. 3 row high efficiency core was $632 . I could have bought a new one for $500 but had no idea of quality.

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