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5 posters

    Column shift box

    Adam K
    Adam K

    Number of posts : 8
    Location : Renton, WA
    Registration date : 2020-06-16

    Column shift box Empty Column shift box

    Post by Adam K Tue Jun 16, 2020 2:40 pm

    Hello all!
    I'm Adam and I'm new to the group. I've been gleaning quite a bit of knowledge from you all for a couple months now and thank you for that!

    Question 1:
    Help me help myself. I can't seem to find a repair manual specific to second gen vans. I see the st36 supplement but that is for first gen. I have a 69.

    Question 2:
    Specifically I need to know how to take apart the "shift box" meaning the transmission control arms at the bottom of the steering column that move the shift rods. My bushings are worn out and my bottom arm is falling out of alignment. I have found info on first gen, but mine looks different. Any advice?
    Info you might need: 1969 G10, panel van, three speed (I think its a saginaw)

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by donivan65 Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:29 pm

    ,,here is a start,,,,,$20 on ebay,,,the SERVICE manual has more info,,,

    Column shift box Dscn0922

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by donivan65 Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:04 pm

    ,,,if you are having trouble getting up into 1st and Reverse,,,,the adjustment is at the rods at the transmission levers,,,,,but something like loose levers on trans or worn grommets usually cause the shift levers to not line up,,,,so see what you got,,,,,,,

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by donivan65 Tue Jun 16, 2020 9:10 pm

    Do you have this set up or a shift tube?

    Column shift box Dscn0923
    Adam K
    Adam K

    Number of posts : 8
    Location : Renton, WA
    Registration date : 2020-06-16

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by Adam K Tue Jun 16, 2020 10:50 pm

    I'm having to lift up as I move from first into the neutral gate, or it binds up. I tightened up the shift rod linkages near the trans today and it improved, but I'm still concerned about the shift tube. The bottom arm has a lot of wiggle in it.

    Column shift box Img_0410

    Column shift box Img_0411

    Adam ,hope you don't mind, I re-posted your pics in 640 format. wideload

    Column shift box Img_0410

    Column shift box Img_0411

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by donivan65 Wed Jun 17, 2020 10:47 am

    IF,,,,,,,you can undo the rods, the clamp inside and the bolts holding it in,,,,,,,MAYBE,,,,,it will slide down and out and this is what you will find,,,,choose 640 width  for picture size and they wont  get cut off,,,,,,,

    Column shift box Shift_10

    Column shift box Shift_11

    Number of posts : 2632
    Location : Where Rust Never Sleeps in Ft Wayne IN
    Registration date : 2008-05-15

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by savage Thu Jun 18, 2020 5:40 am

    Don you ever come across one with a grease zerk on it

    Number of posts : 364
    Location : Rocket Ranch Lompoc, CA
    Registration date : 2008-05-18

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by 64chevy Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:47 am

    You mean like this?

    Column shift box 210

    Column shift box 110

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by donivan65 Thu Jun 18, 2020 11:49 am

    ,,,,could be a 2nd Gen invention,,,,,,

    Column shift box Dscn0924

    Column shift box Dscn0925
    Adam K
    Adam K

    Number of posts : 8
    Location : Renton, WA
    Registration date : 2020-06-16

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by Adam K Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:49 pm

    So mine doesn't have the threaded holes on the front face...
    Also, do I need to push the pins out in order to remove the arms?

    Number of posts : 12254
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by donivan65 Thu Jun 18, 2020 9:56 pm

    Yours is a little different,,,,,,,,but that pin is what the shift lever slides up and down to fit into the slot of the 1/R and 2/3 levers to move them,,,,,,it slides right out, levers slide off the shaft,,,,,could be a snap ring on bottom to let bottom lever slide off,,,,,but all that stuff should slide off through the top,,,there has got to be a spring in there pushing the levers together,,,,

    Number of posts : 377
    Location : Kingwood Texas
    Age : 69
    Registration date : 2015-09-19

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by gfleduc Fri Jun 19, 2020 5:43 am

    FYI - For the lower shift arm replacement grommets / bushings (4 required) search for P/N ATP JO-119
    Adam K
    Adam K

    Number of posts : 8
    Location : Renton, WA
    Registration date : 2020-06-16

    Column shift box Empty Re: Column shift box

    Post by Adam K Fri Jun 19, 2020 10:51 am

    Awesome, Thank you! I'll let you know how it goes, hopefully this weekend...

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