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    Vacuum Line Connections


    Number of posts : 89
    Location : Romeo, MI
    Registration date : 2017-04-09

    Vacuum Line Connections Empty Vacuum Line Connections

    Post by Marq Sat Jul 07, 2018 5:35 am

    When I removed my carb last fall for rebuilding I found that the vacuum line from carb to distributor slid right out of the fitting at the distributor.

    Initially it looked like the fitting was just mangled but now I'm wondering if it's even the correct type of fitting since the port in the diaphragm looks more spherical.  Also the hole in the diaphragm will not allow the pipe to insert so the end of pipe has to be flush with the end of the fitting so I think that is why it's not compressing.

    Has anybody else come across this?

    Vacuum Line Connections Captur10
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2086
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    Vacuum Line Connections Empty Re: Vacuum Line Connections

    Post by Seth G Sun Jul 08, 2018 1:16 pm

    You should be able to get that fitting at a decent hardware store, also napa should have them and the tubing. That fitting is called a breakaway ferrule nut. Take the whole shebang with you to ensure you get the right size nuts and tubing.

    This is what the virgin fitting should look like:

    Vacuum Line Connections Pilot-tube-break-away-furrule-e1412684901469

    Number of posts : 12244
    Location : San Diego, California
    Registration date : 2008-05-12

    Vacuum Line Connections Empty Re: Vacuum Line Connections

    Post by donivan65 Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:47 pm

    can you work that nut back on the tube and cut a little off the tip of that tube to see if still can fit?
    Seth G
    Seth G
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager
    Vintage-Vans Listings Manager

    Number of posts : 2086
    Location : Anacortes, WA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2013-04-24

    Vacuum Line Connections Empty Re: Vacuum Line Connections

    Post by Seth G Sun Jul 08, 2018 6:28 pm

    Donivan is right as usual Wink, if you can free the nut from the ferrule you could cut the ferrule off and just replace the ferrule, but that thing looks pretty jammed into that nut. But also like he said, inversely if you can just cut off the excess tubing sticking out past the ferrule maybe it will seat better. There always is *some tubing past the ferrule but that thing has been tortured. There has to be some, that's how they work. By crimping onto the tubing so don't cut it all off or the tubing won't seal and can even pop out of the ferrule and nut. Mine was like that and napa dug out what I needed to replace it on my old 170. If the tubing is long enough to lose the ends you can just replace the breakaway ferrule nuts. I think it's 3/32 tubing(i.e. brake line tubing), but don't quote me on it, it's been a long time. If/when you install the new nut(s) make sure the tubing is just short of bottoming out in the carb fitting as you tighten the nut. If the tubing isn't through the ferrule when you are done crimping it on there by tightening the nut you have to cut it off and start over....

    Number of posts : 36
    Location : Rockaway Beach, New York
    Registration date : 2018-06-04

    Vacuum Line Connections Empty Re: Vacuum Line Connections

    Post by Trainmaster Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:01 pm

    If the tubing is planted firmly in the ferrule and doesn't pull out, but it's leaking try some Teflon pipe dope used for plumbing. The stuff seals pretty well. You may be able to salvage that mess if you can't find that odd fitting. Just be careful with the Teflon goo -- it reduces the friction so much that you can easily over-tighten and strip the brass threads.

    Number of posts : 89
    Location : Romeo, MI
    Registration date : 2017-04-09

    Vacuum Line Connections Empty Re: Vacuum Line Connections

    Post by Marq Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:04 pm

    I guess that's what a real auto parts store is supposed to say.

    "Yea, we got those, compression nuts"!

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    Number of posts : 89
    Location : Romeo, MI
    Registration date : 2017-04-09

    Vacuum Line Connections Empty Re: Vacuum Line Connections

    Post by Marq Fri Jul 05, 2019 4:55 pm

    With the new carb I wanted to get rid of the hard vac line from carb to dist, could not find a 3/8-24 barb fitting so I picked up a couple of 1/8 pipe fittings which were close and just re-cut the threads, seemed to fit good!

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    Vacuum Line Connections Captur31

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