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2 posters

    1965 Rear seat widths?

    Sophia Deluxe
    Sophia Deluxe

    Number of posts : 30
    Location : Campbell, CA
    Registration date : 2014-02-05

    1965 Rear seat widths? Empty 1965 Rear seat widths?

    Post by Sophia Deluxe Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:10 pm

    can somebody tell me what the width of the rear seats are for a 1965 Falcon window van?
    I have one of the original seats and it fits in both places.
    how wide should the middle seat be?
    how wide should the rear seat be?

    I have the original rear seat seat with original upholstery in nice condition. My Falcon Van has the original paint 'Tropical Turquoise' and the original upholstery is that medium to dark green. I feel bad recovering it, maybe somebody is looking for an original seat? I need both the back ones tho, maybe a trade for two that need re-upholstering?

    I have pics if you would like to see but at least I am looking for the exact width of both the rear seats?

    thank you
    1965 Rear seat widths? Seat10

    Number of posts : 1466
    Location : Tempe, Arizona
    Age : 62
    Registration date : 2014-01-26

    1965 Rear seat widths? Empty Re: 1965 Rear seat widths?

    Post by uante Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:10 am

    I think I saw somewhere where the middle seat sometimes had a folding section to it. Not sure since I have a cargo van, but I sure someone will post the details you are looking for.

    Number of posts : 1466
    Location : Tempe, Arizona
    Age : 62
    Registration date : 2014-01-26

    1965 Rear seat widths? Empty Re: 1965 Rear seat widths?

    Post by uante Mon May 01, 2017 11:19 am

    Here's the thread I was thinking about. He has original seats with one that has a partial folding back. Maybe try to get a hold of him to get you a measurement.

    On page one, he has pictures of before and after upolstery

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    1965 Rear seat widths? Empty Re: 1965 Rear seat widths?

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