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2 posters

    Can anyone tell me the which seat this is from A G or E Rear Seat ??


    Number of posts : 119
    Location : Freetown, Massachusettes
    Age : 52
    Registration date : 2015-08-28

    Can anyone tell me the which seat this is from A G or E  Rear Seat ?? Empty Can anyone tell me the which seat this is from A G or E Rear Seat ??

    Post by vkarppinen Tue May 24, 2016 4:13 pm

    Can anyone tell me the which seat this is from A G or E  Rear Seat ?? 20160210
    Can anyone tell me the which seat this is from A G or E  Rear Seat ?? 20160510
    I was told this was from a 63 E window van, Im starting to question it. The old seat mouting bracket locations don't line up. I looked at Fred Carello's 63, and he has a different mid row seat. I thought I saw a similar seat in a 62.

    It may be for sale also.

    Thanks, Vin
    Chevy Guru

    Number of posts : 1778
    Location : north saanich
    Registration date : 2008-10-06

    Can anyone tell me the which seat this is from A G or E  Rear Seat ?? Empty Re: Can anyone tell me the which seat this is from A G or E Rear Seat ??

    Post by m1dadio Wed May 25, 2016 11:21 pm

    Its not a 1st or 2nd gen G van seat

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