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3 posters

    hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup


    Number of posts : 2
    Location : new jersey
    Registration date : 2015-03-24

    hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup Empty hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup

    Post by dadsvanpickup Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:44 pm

    Hello all i'm new to this and looking for a little help. My father passed away and my family and I are trying to clear up some stuff. He has a ford econoline(1962-1964) van pick up that in need to establish some sort of value. If anyone has any ideas where I may be able to gather some info i'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

    Number of posts : 11
    Location : Jamestown in
    Registration date : 2015-03-15

    hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup Empty Pickup value

    Post by Danimal Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:56 pm

    Send some pics, we can all give you opinions, if it was your dad's better keep it,just bought a nice driver from southern Indiana drove home 3 hrs for 6300, I felt like it was a good deal no rust and decent user quality paint 1961

    Number of posts : 2
    Location : new jersey
    Registration date : 2015-03-24

    hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup Empty Re: hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup

    Post by dadsvanpickup Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:01 pm

    I have to get the neighbor to send me some pics, its not running but seems to be all there. I actually been kicking keeping and restoring my dad always wanted to. but I need get some value to so I can be fair with my brother. ill post some pics when I get thanks

    Number of posts : 1533
    Location : Helendale, CA
    Age : 51
    Registration date : 2009-05-22

    hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup Empty Re: hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup

    Post by kookykrispy Tue Mar 24, 2015 7:04 pm

    Without pics, there is not much we can tell you. A non running project could be anything, especially back east where there is alot of rust.

    Non running projects are sometimes not worth much.

    Condition of the body is usually the deciding factor

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    hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup Empty Re: hello new guy trying to get some info about a econoline van pickup

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