by mik Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:35 pm
I'm pretty happy with my results for my first time trying to shape body panels. I'm using 20 gauge cold rolled.
This is second day of swing the hammer and dollies around...
Do you think its close enough to weld on there? Its fairly close but has about 1/16 to 1/8 " in some areas. My plan was to smooth it as best I can and then stitch weld it from the window lip out and try to "convince" it to take the shape as I go.
As you can see in the original pic the "seam" is coming apart so I can't get a precise shape no matter how I try to match it up.
After welding and grinding as much as I can, I intend to "lead" it or use "all metal" to smooth it out once its in.
Please post any tips if you have any.