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    Quickest ever Camper Van interior install


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    Location : San Diego, CA
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    Quickest ever Camper Van interior install Empty Quickest ever Camper Van interior install

    Post by VANagain Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:34 pm

    This is a modular kit from a British company, made for VW Eurovans. But I thought it was an interesting idea, to make an entire interior that do not actually bolt to the van. They're made to be easily removed if you need the space!

    Quickest ever Camper Van interior install Everything-GRP-photos-21

    Number of posts : 14778
    Location : Ashburnham, MA
    Age : 65
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    Quickest ever Camper Van interior install Empty Re: Quickest ever Camper Van interior install

    Post by vanny Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:27 am

    Wow, once the cushions go on there, it looks really nice! And the center section kinda locks everthing in place. It gets you thinking...I wonder if it bounces around when riding down the road. If your on a rough road, I wonder if this stuff rattles around. scratch Seems like if it had some way to quickly attach and release to avoid the movement and rattles it could make this even better.

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    Joe Van
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    Quickest ever Camper Van interior install Empty Re: Quickest ever Camper Van interior install

    Post by Joe Van Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:15 am

    GOTTA admit its cool and eliminates a ton of work also it would be nice if they came in different styles and for Earley American vans also.... I will take a wrap around rear booth seat.!!!!!!!!!!!!   I am sure there is a way to bolt it to the floor if you choose too.Smile ...Any VV vanners good with fibreglass and making moulds??????

    Number of posts : 987
    Location : Central Arkansas
    Registration date : 2008-05-13

    Quickest ever Camper Van interior install Empty Re: Quickest ever Camper Van interior install

    Post by RipVanArkie Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:42 am

    Looks like the pieces in the floor keep things from sliding. Some 2" velcro to join the pieces together could eliminate any rattles. I like it!


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