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2 posters

    door latch problem

    dan nachel
    dan nachel

    Number of posts : 394
    Location : sc
    Registration date : 2012-01-24

    door latch problem Empty door latch problem

    Post by dan nachel Fri Dec 14, 2012 4:46 pm

    Hey all, I need help. When I close my passenger door, it pops back out about a half an inch. If I keep on slaming it, eventully it will stay closed. Is this a bad latch, poor adjustment of the latch, or what? When the door is shut, the body line matches good, so I believe the adjustment is good. Any help will be greatly apreciated. Dan.
    Moderator 1st Class
    Moderator 1st Class

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    door latch problem Empty Re: door latch problem

    Post by dix Fri Dec 14, 2012 5:13 pm

    it may need adjusted at the hindge, is the gap even on the hindge side?? have you used and spray pentrating oil in the door latch . It may help as well. open and close the door and watch for movment at the hindge. also open the door and look for anything rubbing.

    still vannin since 1974

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