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2 posters

    Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)


    Number of posts : 28
    Location : Apex, NC
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  Empty Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)

    Post by Oldpro Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:36 pm

    Ok, I've got the new clutch in and trans reattached, but now I can't remember how to attach the rod from the clutch peddle to that linkage piece in between the clutch housing and that rod.
    I have the same problem with the other side of that linkage piece; there's that threaded rod with the eye hole thing on the end, and I don't know how it connects to the throw-out bearing arm.

    I REALLY want my van back on the road, and this is the last step! Even though my description could probably use some work, try to help a young man out here.
    Pics of another 66 dodge undercarriage of that assembly would be nice.

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  Empty Re: Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)

    Post by RodStRace Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:04 pm

    Went out and took shots from the 66 /6 3 speed out back. There are a bunch of big red ants right where I needed to lie down, so they are quick!!!

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  IMG_1838

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  IMG_1839

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  IMG_1840

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  IMG_1841

    Number of posts : 3046
    Location : Chino Valley
    Registration date : 2010-01-21

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  Empty Re: Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)

    Post by RodStRace Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:19 pm

    Here are a couple more that you asked for.
    The ants have settled down for the night...
     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  IMG_1842

     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  IMG_1843

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     Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)  Empty Re: Clutch assembly connection (Maybe you can post a pic of your assembly?)

    Post by Sponsored content

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